Orks vs World Eaters, 10th edition Warhammer 40k battle report

Plant returns with his gorgeous World Eaters army and this time goes up against Da Boyz. Who will crump more heads? Letโ€™s find out.

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32 thoughts on “Orks vs World Eaters, 10th edition Warhammer 40k battle report”

  1. I don't know why, but I find your videos much more comfortable to watch. Maybe it's because everything is clear, and well lit or the acoustics are balanced nicely, but enjoy yours the most.

    I hope some Votann, Grey Knights, or CSM are coming soon. I like watching them fight.

  2. i 3d printed a brass scorpion (which my roommate painted) for my WE friend as a christmas gift.
    Expecting him to not be around on christmas since he has kids i gave it to him about a month early during a Horde Mode game. While explaining the rules, i mentioned if you get 10 RP you can roll to see what kind of unit you bring in. So you can roll garbage and bring in a tiny squad of cultists, or roll 10+ and bring in this thing <plops scorpion in front of him>
    Him: "Why do you have a brass scorpion?"
    Me: "I dont. Thats yours."
    Him: "Mine?"
    Me: "Yup, early xmas gift!"
    Him: <Audible squees>



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