Origin of Covid & Whistleblowing w/Jeffrey Sachs

#Covid #Wuhan #Fauci #Biden #gainoffunction


36 thoughts on “Origin of Covid & Whistleblowing w/Jeffrey Sachs”

  1. What Mr. Sachs has not done in this interview is connect the dots .. there is one dot in N.C. there is another dot in Wuhan and there is yet another dot in the biolabs in Ukraine whose research is soley focused on creating infectious agents that specifically target people of Slavic origin specifically Russians.. all of this the DoD knows and funds there is no need to wonder if the US nazi government is aware or its legislators are aware .. they are and it is well known that America has become Satan's playground

  2. Палится Сакс.Кому он подает знак в виде самовара на заднем плане?Длинные руки Кремля дотянулись до Вашингтона?Если это так,то самовар это как бутылка Столичной в берлинском кабинете Штирлица.

  3. I can see why they are so worried about 'misinformation'. If they dont have the power to shut down people from telling you the truth about what is going on they will not be able to continue their criminal enterprises.

  4. The government is untrustworthy. Apparently, conspiracies are not just theories. Interesting how the 'great reset ' has used COVID to move the globalist agenda forward. These elites are evil.

  5. It's just a matter of time before human greed and deception cause a joining of genetic manipulation and artificial intelligence. These people think they're smarter than everyone else and will probably end up killing everyone on earth Including themselves. Then God can sort it all out

  6. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill) has a Level 3 biocontainment facility.
    Dr. Ralph Baric (PhD) et al (including a woman from China) published several peer reviewed journal articles touting his breakthroughs in gain of function in corona viruses. He also patented these gain of function viruses.

    Gain of Function research on contagious pathogens is prohibited by law (Bioweapons research is banned by an international treaty) in the US.

    (Speculation is someone with pull in the Obama administration (possibly from Fort Detrick Maryland where the premier US Level 4 biocontainment weapons lab is located) complained and the Gain Of Function research at Chapel Hill was shut down.

    This research apparently then moved to Canada and then to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology's BSL-4 laboratory and received continued US funding by direction of Dr Anthony Fauci.

  7. I would like to point out that Prof Sachs is not an enemy of China. On other matters, he supports what is right and true about the Chinese government and its policies. This gives me credence towards his assessment on this discourse.

  8. Escaped…My arse! Are you kidding me?!!
    Have we learned NOTHING from the "coincidental" timing of the release (not leak), which, if we were not locked down, mail in ballots en masse would never have occurred! If no mass, mail in ballots, the 2020 election would not have been able to be STOLEN, due to the overwhelming support Pres DJT had!
    WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Don't be suckers!

  9. hahaha as if it is the first time politicians or people work for politicians lie… hahahaha and one is for sure, when there were only 60k in china with the virus, in the background some in USA gov were talking already about vaccine and pandemi with FB… you remember the email?

  10. Covid was already in Italy in September of 2019. This is published in a peer reviewed journal. It could not have come from Wuhan, the first case in China was not until October/November.

  11. COVID 19 is nothing else than trigger a button for their plan for a grate reset .Since this fake man made plandemic they are becoming ruthless pushing the agenda . A green ones a gender ons racism’s ons and the warmonger ones . A plan is to go against each other on a cellular level .what an evil agenda . People please keep a common sense . Because there agenda makes no sense for us . For them they now precisely what they want to do to in slave us all. Resist ❤

  12. For detail of COVID virus and origins, I recommend a book by Peter Breggin MD, Covid-19 and global predators, We are the prey. I read the book and there ate there over thousand citations. Must read.

  13. And the Patriots are still going along with this BS ! When does it END ,nobody's coming together to end this once and for ALL ! YOU CAN PRAY AS MUCH AS YOU WANT, BUT IN THE END EVEN DAVID HAD TO THROW A STONE !!!! Think about that !!!❤

  14. Today's Democratic Party is owned and controlled by Big Pharma 100%. And who originally funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2009? Yup, you guessed it: Pfizer! THAT'S why no Democrats in Washington care to look into the origins of SARS-C0V-2.

  15. UK-China-USA are involved in the creation of this virus. Wuhan, Pirbright Institute near London and I think Fort Dietrich military base in the USA. The same military base where the Anthrax that was sent to politicians and other people after the attack on the USA in 2001 was made. Is that base called Fort Dietrich or not? I don't know if it was a private or governmental project .

  16. It goes like this, who doesn't know something and wants to know asks. Those who "don't know" something don't ask. Because they already know very well what it is about. Just one question, on whose side are all these "great experts on everything that exists" who are telling us the same thing non-stop from screens and speakers? On the side of the Republicans or on the side of the Democrats, when we look at the vast majority!? Of course, on the side of the neo liberal agenda of evil.

  17. For a long time, no one talked about the Chinese woman who was awarded the biggest Chinese award, and the USA was rewarded with some kind of recognition for her work on the SARS COV-19 virus, maybe she is exactly the woman they call "Bat Woman"? What about a company called Profusa, Mr. Napolitano, please ask these questions to someone who might know something about this subject, especially some sort of NANO-HYDROGEL microchip that should be produced by mid-2024!? Profusa is funded by DARPA and the Bill Gates Foundation, Bill Gates also owns part of that Profusa company. This information appeared in a semi-military magazine in I think the date was 09-02-2020, that is, a little more than half a year from the beginning of the spread of the virus.

  18. I believe it was funded and developed in USA by the leftist activists as a bio weapon to cheat the election 2020. It was sent to China and released there to hide their tracks. Dr. Anthony Mengele is a major player in this criminal act.

  19. Thank you for inviting professor Sachs to lay it all out so clearly.

    There's one person in particular on Twitter, of all places, who has connected the dots in the same manner as prof. Sachs, Jim Haslam. This confirms that Jim Haslam's conclusions were correct. There's one thing I question though. JH interprets the pandemic as an unfortunate accident with no nefarious intentions. While such a conclusion is the simplest one and so the most likely, it might not be correct because of unknown possible involvement of the CIA, possibly even the CCP. The genetic spike sequence had been patented in the US several years prior to the pandemic. Why? For the vaccine? Or has China become too strong for US comfort? Slapping the pandemic on China as Chinese fault might be part of the US tactic. It might have been planned to hurt China's economy. On the other hand, it might also have been planned to impact the US election because Trump was so unpopular with the US state agencies. And then there's also the "conspiracy theory" about offing the global population, not just with the virus but with the controversial health and economic measures, such as banning early treatment with off-label drugs, keeping silent about aerosol transmission for weeks while mandating useless masks, lockdowns, and the jabs – as we're finding out, contamination of vials with parts of plasmid DNA can and does get integrated in the human genome, thereby causing all sorts of diseases…


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