Orb Fleet Over Sacramento, California Sept 30, 2022, UFO Sighting News.

Eyewitness states: Sept 30th 2022 1010 pm Sacramento California Driving Mid 70s weather First headed towards the freeway, than hovered for a bit than traveling east. Full sighting lasted about 3 or 4 mins Video taped about half way through.. Couldn’t pull over on semi busy highway 80 Sound was not applicable due to driving and wind Crazy ufo sighting about 20 mins ag0. around 10:10pm, first it was two lights..perfectly spaced between each other..kinda tilted one belowthe other..than they seem to swivel and a third light “popped” on…i drove for another 5 seconds and that was when i realized i should record this .. .so the video isn’t perfect, than a 3rd light just popped on, than a 4th light popped up. I wishi could have pulled over. I took the next exit, but lost site of the lights. It’s just crazy that they popped on. I was on highway 80, on the “causeway” these where over the rice fields, I was driving east into west Sacramento… it was crazy. So 1st video is screen recording of original video..but up close.. 2nd video is original video, unfortunately with cars behind me lights in rear view mirror


35 thoughts on “Orb Fleet Over Sacramento, California Sept 30, 2022, UFO Sighting News.”

  1. Sadly, with the advent of drones, most night time sightings are now even harder to classify as "not normal human craft" unless they exhibit unnatural speed, and perhaps combined with extreme maneuverability. Hopefully, at some point phone cameras will come equipped with standard infra-red capabilities. We need to see what is beyond the glare of these points of light in the night sky.

  2. This is interesting citing. But I am in alignment with a previous commentor that unless the UFO exhibits extraordinary maneuverable capabilities and a obvious third dimensionalize observable citing within say 100 ft with a photo. Else partial cloaking with light bending capabilities.

  3. My bf saw one (something werid)on hwy 5 south bond to la about 20 min away from 580. He saw 2 light cross the hwy 5 with 3 spinning object rotating around it they seemed to pass slow and landed at a land fill of dirt. On the way to LA he always reminds me how the dirt was on the mounds. You could still see the location next to the hwy. its been many years but the mounds of dirt are still there. These dirt mounds are separated mounds on this land you could look when driving by… you will see them as many eroding prymids. This plot of land on the side of the freeway had around 20 to 50 dump site mounds. Just keep an eye on the mounds on hwy 5, you might seee something!!!

  4. I also recorded something like this about 2 months ago in Sacramento. But mine was a straight long line full of lights… we were at the drive inns so it was a pretty clear video as well.

  5. UFOs are real and the pilots operating them are real as well. I have a handful of detailed images of various types of craft showing the occupants and craft. My channel has pics. Sub and refresh, they are in the Communuty tab


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