Orange County 11th grader killed in crash on his way to school

KTLA Orange County Bureau Chief Chip Yost reports from Placentia where a teenager died in a collision on his way to school Tuesday morning. June 4, 2024.

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34 thoughts on “Orange County 11th grader killed in crash on his way to school”

  1. Yea, you can all assume that a 17 year old in a vette caused the crash, but let's not act like adults are good drivers. We've seen the stupidity on both ends so who knows

  2. “Okay, from now on, instead of making a left turn at the intersection, go one block past it, and then make three progressive right-hand turns.”
    "Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th… That's all, folks!"

  3. Those older cars dont even have airbags or protection. ESPECIALLY a corvette. They were thr ones to make a car body out of carbon fiber. Definitely not a car they initially wanted to aid weight with. Super unsafe. RIP

  4. You can be the most responsible driver but there will always be be a stupid driver out in the road the best you can do is not be on your phone, have seat belts, air bags no DUI its sad seeing stories like this

  5. As a teen driving instructor in this area… I just want to say, please don't assume that the young man was at fault. Many, if not most, of the teen drivers who take training are quite cautious and diligent about their driving, they know the dangers. They may lack experience, but they have recently had professional training and training by their parents and everything is fresh in their head. While often, experienced adults don't think the rules don't apply to them anymore. This young man had a Corvette because he was into these cars. Doesn't mean he was at fault. A mother of young children driving a Range Rover is just as likely to be a distracted driver or run a red light while running late in the morning. I'm on the road a lot, and I'm constantly watching other drivers…trust me, experienced adults are very guilty as far as distracted driving and disobeying rules like signaling and stopping at lights and stop signs. Distracted driving is the number one danger, has surpassed drunk driving. Lastly, I'd like to know how they don't know what happened, as the driver of the Range Rover has survived and certainly she can give an accounting and she should own up to a mistake, if she made one. RIP young man, so sorry. Condolences to his family and friends.

  6. Doesn't matter what type of car it is, the fact he is 17 and no adults present in the car while he is driving is the problem. Stop giving kids cars, let them walk before they can run


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