Operation: Nuke the Trees | Rimworld: Seven Dwarfs #12

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Snow White, organised crime boss, saves the lives of a seven dwarfs whose greed and avarice nearly cost them their lives at the hands of mutant insects. Now, having dedicated their lives to their saviour, Snow White and her seven Dwarfs set out to strip the landscape of its resources, destroy the enviroment and take to the stars, leaving their self-engineered doomed world behind.

Modpack Mechanics: Plants, nature, and other conventional natural beauty is hideous in the eyes of the dwarfs! All beauty values for nature has been inversed, but dwarfs have a different appreciation for beauty – machinery, stone and heavy industry are considered marvels of beauty instead!

Be warned, though it may be as simple as concreting over nature, additional pollution mechanics mean that without trees then your biome will quickly fall to pollution and waste, making life on the map impossible.

Fleeing underground or hiding inside the mountain isn’t so easy – infestations are more frequent, insects are buffed and evolve over time, and deep drills will trigger hives more frequently than ever!

=== Mod Pack Info ===

Steam Workshop Collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2926890548

Dwarfs possible thanks to the amazing Det’s Stoneborn Xenotype:

And the amazing Dub’s mod suite for big dwarvern machinery:

Please note, not all mods are listed below due to Youtube description limits, please check the collection above for the full credits and mod pack!

Deep Rock Galatic Style Pack
Created by Halituis Amaricanous

DeepRim (Continued)
Created by Mlie

Advanced Pollution Pump
Created by ThatBartGuy

Allow Tool
Created by UnlimitedHugs

Alpha Biomes, Alpha Genes, Alpha Memes
Created by Sarg Bjornson

Anesthetic Gun MOD
Created by tikubonn

Architecture of the Rim
Created by AOBA

Atelier [1.4]
Created by ggfirst

Auto links
Created by AUTOMATIC

Auto-Cut Blight
Created by Razor 2.3

Auto-Extract Genes
Created by Nibato

Basic RimThemes Recolours
Created by Mr Samuel Streamer

Begone, Message!
Created by lbmaian

Better Infestations 1.4
Created by Machine

Better Linkable Colors
Created by drummeur

Big and Small Genes
Created by RedMattis

Biome Transitions
Created by m00nl1ght

Biomes! Core
Created by Draegon1993

Created by Fluffy

Build From Inventory
Created by Uuugggg

Created by Brrainz

Character Editor
Created by VOID

Character Editor Retextured
Created by Neronix17

Cherry Picker (dev)
Created by Owlchemist

Clean Pathfinding
Created by Owlchemist

Clean Textures
Created by iFlash

Created by Hatti

Colored deep resources
Created by Kikohi

Compact Hediffs
Created by PeteTimesSix

Compressed Raid(Abandoned)
Created by ryouta

Det’s Energy Weapons
Created by DetVisor

Do Something for Idle
Created by gguake

Do Your F****** Research – Forked
Created by Khorbos

Erin’s Body Retexture
Created by Erin

Expanded Materials – Metals
Created by Argón

Extended Color Palette
Created by klvlt

Faction Customizer
Created by Karmgahl

Fortification Industrial – Citadel
Created by AOBA

Geological Landforms
Created by m00nl1ght

Graphics Settings+
Created by Maxim

Ground Targeter
Created by AncientGammoner

Created by AUTOMATIC

Created by Brrainz

Healer Mech Serum Choice
Created by Syrus

Created by UnlimitedHugs

Infinite Reinforce
Created by ㅇ

Insectoids Evolved
Created by NilchEi

Majestic Foliage Framework[HH]
Created by Hohen

MiningCo. Spaceship (Continued)
Created by Mlie

MorrowRim – Adamantium
Created by SirMashedPotato

Mr Samuel Streamer’s Custom Faction
Created by Mr Samuel Streamer

Music Expanded Framework
Created by Music Expanded Team

Muzzle Flash
Created by IssacZhuang

No Precipitation Over Fog Of War
Created by SaberShip

No Random Apparel on Ideology Edit
Created by Edern

No Random Relations
Created by Dave-EEs

Power Tools
Created by Simmin

Powerful Psycast AI
Created by NilchEi

Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
Created by AOBA

Created by tammybee

Raids For Me
Created by aRandomKiwi

Random’s Gene Assistant
Created by Random Coughdrop

Research Reinvented
Created by PeteTimesSix

Created by Owlchemist

Created by Jaxe

RimPy Mod Manager Database
Created by Paladin

Created by aRandomKiwi

Created by aRandomKiwi

=== Links ===

Ko-Fi Page (One-off Tips!): https://ko-fi.com/mrsamstreamer

Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj_cVfXt_t1u0TaCeMz6gJw
Co-op Let’s Plays: https://www.youtube.com/c/eliseandsam
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mrsamuelstreamer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrSamStreamer
Public Discord: https://discord.gg/Ep4QMCXMpz

#rimworld #dwarfs #survival


46 thoughts on “Operation: Nuke the Trees | Rimworld: Seven Dwarfs #12”

  1. Defenses won’t do any good if everyone is already dead due to malnutrition. The little patch of shrooms growing on the mining floor is not enough to sustain that many ppl, you already have power infrastructure down there and hydroponics research done..

  2. Concrete is a liquid. How do you "Pack" concrete? It's primarily water, which doesn't compress, and rocks, which have been compressed by the weight of the planet, or a sun exploding. My brother in a Concreature and I really just want to have the mental image in my head of how someone thinks you "pack" a liquid.

    You can vibrate it to settle it and work out the air bubbles, but if you DONT do that it will crack under it's own weight. You should have a look at the concrete vibrators by the way they look like a sex toy on a weedwhacker. That's how the gnome who's pretending to be a dwarf keeps his wife satisfied.

  3. hey this is probably cheating and/or breaking the game, but is there any way to destroy overhead mountain on an underground level? assuming it is overhead mountain, which i never bothered to check- because if so, you may be able to put the cooling towers underground-

  4. Mr Streamer, I feel I must alert you that you are completely misusing warcaskets. Or rather, you're worrying about a problem that you don't need to. Simply entomb all your colonists in conkcrete warcaskets and you'll never have to worry about that so-called radiation again. When used with Rimatomics and congcrete, warcaskets completely block any spooky death rays that may or may not be created by the nuclear reactor.

  5. I also just want to point out that these people have much better self healing factor than Grignr, who nearly died of infection, who was designed to pretty much be able to shrug off infections, so I feel like you're right and there's definitely something fucky going on with either the xenotype or a mod. If it was a mod I feel like it would be showing the issue in your immunity gain factor stat, though.

    For now, my headcannon is that the infection can't survive all the radiation.

  6. Nuking just the tree people is unambitous. Consider one mighty, simultaneous launch to strike every other base and blast clean the planet of every non-dwarf. It's the only way to make sure. You don't want to miss a dryad, do you? Do you?!?

  7. You know i'm kinda surprised there hasn't been a single infestation yet.
    Almost makes you wonder if it's broken, or it's not and mr streamer has just been incredibly lucky so far.
    …No it's probably broken.

  8. Sam, you chose the tesseract mod to share the power between maps. Next time, might I interest you in power +? Not only does it add power sharing between maps and wireless power, but it also add the ares defence system that, while being very OP, is cool as hell to see in function

  9. Snow: Smashy! Dont leave me buddy! ties up a bandage
    Smashy: I … I cant feel my legs.
    Snow: Yeah you lost it! ties up another bandage
    Smashy: Oh .. Oh my rocks!. no!
    Snow: But you are gonna be fine… Your alive!… Now because you lost your leg I am afraid I am gonna have to arrest you.
    Smashy: Oh rocks.. my leg… I… Im … Gonna.. Be ok… Wait wat?. You are arresting me?
    Snow: Well yes!, that leg represents quite the investment! I am sorry! but you are under arrest!
    Smashy: …

  10. Do the anti radiation research, built a bunch of reactors on the map in a way that if one explodes, it results in a chain reaction that destroys all, before they actually explode, send people in the mine with anti radiation gear, they will be safe, when they come back, the map will be littered with huge piles of melted down reactors that give tons of radiation, rebuild the vase and watch the raids get radiation poisoning before even reaching you

  11. It's self destruction at th slowest pave. Snow knows this.. Why else would you build it in a cave? So when the place explodes with radiation. It was only her own damnation that gets ruined


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