Opening to Thoughts

As we move further in our journey towards open awareness, we examine the “sense door” of thoughts. Thoughts are present moment experiences, but are different from the other senses doors in that they can sweep you into the past or the future before you even realize that it has happened. That’s what becomes really interesting about doing an “Awareness of Thoughts” practice. As we take a 3rd-person perspective, we see that we can watch our thoughts without being swept away by them. “Here is this thought now,” we may say to ourselves. With this perspective, we see that we are not our thoughts and our thoughts are not “truth.” In fact, thoughts are known to be charged with a lot of untruths, and this happens for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is our negativity bias. Our brains would rather err on the side of caution and see things at the worst possible to keep us protected and alive. So much of our physical hardware is related to life preservation, and when we can see that as it is and accept this is how our bodies and minds were designed, it can be easier to be at peace with some of the more unpleasant intrusive thoughts we may come across.

00:00 Introduction
09:25 Awareness of Thoughts Meditation
25:25 Closing and Chat Interaction
32:43 Support Me on Insight Timer
33:50 Well Wishes


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