Onepeg Rants: "Feelings" vs. "Verifiable" Are Different – Escape From Tarkov

This is a boomer rant, so move on if it’s not your cup of tea. There’s an issue with members of the community wanting to slag creators every time they put work into a topic or issue in order to prove/disprove them, and if they feel as though they did a good job, and express pride in it, people are always around to try to “keep them in check”. It’s a tired practice.

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34 thoughts on “Onepeg Rants: "Feelings" vs. "Verifiable" Are Different – Escape From Tarkov”

  1. I don't care who mentioned it first the problem I have and I assume many more have is that after you mentioned the community that's been working on this for years your statement is always I I did this I did this my video I did this

  2. I’m grateful for your contributions to the game. Veritas & many others should be credited as well. I’m a boomer (for real…I’m 49!) I rarely comment on anything or even interact in Twitch chats. However, when content creators feel compelled to throw a tantrum & make snide, condescending remarks towards the viewership, it’s a turn off for me. I couldn’t stand Veritas for more than a couple of weeks when I first started following his content & that’s a shame because I genuinely like Jesse Kazam & I don’t even watch the Pogcast anymore because it has devolved into Veritas whining like a spoiled, pre-teen, only child who never gets his way. People are just not always going to agree with you. That’s life. People will see things differently & that’s ok too. It’s actually disgusting to even give it any attention at all. It literally just feeds the monster that is the internet. It gives the trolls what they want. I don’t like Veritas…so I just stopped watching his content & moved on. No Reddit posts, no hateful comments (until now I guess but it’s just to explain 🤣). Just keep doing what’s right Onepeg. If people like you, they do. If they don’t, they don’t. No amount of rebuttal videos will change that. I “generally” like your YouTube videos. If I don’t like them…so fucking what. LOL! Keep up the good fight!

  3. As a true baby boomer (barely, I was born in '56), I guess I/we should feel honored that 'boomer' has become such an encompassing term.

    One point of fact though, true boomers don't give a shit what anyone else thinks about our opinions, views or work. It is what it is. Like it or gtfo.


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