ONE OF THE BEST ZOMBIE GAMES EVER IS BACK!! (Dead Island 2 HeLL-A Trailer Reaction)

I loved this stupid game so much when it came out, so the fact that the new one is FINALLY on the way makes me very happy 🙂

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49 thoughts on “ONE OF THE BEST ZOMBIE GAMES EVER IS BACK!! (Dead Island 2 HeLL-A Trailer Reaction)”

  1. I've got a ton of faith in Dambuster, and with Embracer being behind DI2, I expect that even should it falter at launch(I don't expect it to) it'll get support and not just be dropped.

  2. The game actually has already been delayed again, originally it was to release in February and is the reason they decided to show another trailer. However I did get a look at the UI for the game and can say without a doubt it looks great, it has the original dead island style but more modern and doesn't clutter the screen. Also the leveling up system, I cannot confirm abilities, as far as XP goes is a very similar style to dead island although the XP bar only shows up when you kill zombies which I think is a subtle improvement to take up less screen space. I have already pre-ordered the game and will get to play it a day early using a subtle Xbox trick I learned. So I will be able to give an idea of the gameplay and my opinions on the game right before it releases to the public.

  3. I’d definitely love to see you play this game. Also, idk if you’ve played the Dead Rising series, but they’re pretty good (for being released in the early 2000’s)

  4. The zombies are gonna have layers to them, like if you were to burn a zombie you could actually see the individual layers and bits of skin burning away, they had a name for it but it was long and I dont remember, but they also have some system where just say you swing your katana at a zombie but kind of look next to it, well if the sword makes contact no matter what part it will leave a gash, the bits and pieces will be individually torn apart, I'm struggling to put it into words but in dead island 1 if you hit a zombie maybe on the thigh or the stomach or anywhere between that then the zombie will split in half at the hips and they will always split in that exact area, with dead island 2 you can essentially cut a zombie up any way you please, you could probably even cut them up like thin lunch meat

  5. I played through the first one and riptide with a friend and remember them being a blast. Not because they were good but because they were so hilarious and buggy as hell😅

  6. Although the game went through development hell, the current studio (Dambuster) got to start all te way from scratch instead of continuing the work from it's predecessors. So while it feels like the game was in development for 10 years, they only really start 4 years ago throwing all the previous work in the bin.

  7. Fun fact is that the creators of the game in one of the interviews said that they made body system damage from 0, you should literally be able to cut the zombie however you feel like


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