One of the Best Upcoming City-builders – Farthest Frontier!

Ever since Banished, the survival city-builder has been a popular subgenre not only for indie games but for big publishers as well. Many just try to take what Banished was and add a little something extra on top of it. Maybe it’s multiplayer, or disasters, or questing, or a world map. Some of these Banished inspired city-building games do better than others and now we have a new one that’s got a lot going for it. An insane level of detail makes it look amazing, if a bit visually busy. It’s got some interesting twists and additions, like crop rotation and military. And although this is an early look at it going into early access, which means performance issues, UI oddities, and some confusing experiences, Farthest Frontier has the making of a great city-builder. Today, I’ll be picking up Farthest Frontier for the first time ever to show you why despite the problems, so far it’s feeling like it could be one of the best upcoming city-builders coming our way.

Farthest Frontier on Steam

#FarthestFrontier Official Website

0:00 | Intro
2:00 | Options & Settings in Farthest Frontier
4:58 | Starting a New Game in Farthest Frontier
6:54 | Farthest Frontier Intro Cinematic
9:29 | Survival City-building Gameplay in Farthest Frontier
2:37:47 | Conclusion & Overview

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37 thoughts on “One of the Best Upcoming City-builders – Farthest Frontier!”

  1. Okay there are performance issues, some UI bugs, onboarding weirdness, and it could do with a bunch more settings especially for graphics, but besides those (which hopefully will be fixed through early access) I'm feeling like this is definitely one of the stronger upcoming city-builders I've played recently. What do you think?

  2. So that is actually a really good corp rotation system a liitle hard to understand at first glace but i pretty much got it after a while.

    The rows are the years in this case three
    Each year has the full season bar starting at early spring and ending in winter
    Each crop takes up space that bar aloowing multiple different crops depending on what you plant

    The bounding box you were confused by is showing where in the current year it is as it matchs the seasons bar up top

  3. Unpopular opinion: early access IS 1.0, game is released, people can play it, people can PAY for it, you can weasel your way out of having all the content in it(you shouldn't), but it should work and work well. You can't expect paying customers to not leave a bad review because there's a blue bar beneath the game on steam. Remember when developers had to call it an open beta and give the game away for free to get people to playtest it for them? Now people have to pay to be quality assurance

  4. Map seeds are a hash that is used to set/seed/instantiate the random generator(s) for customizing maps. Theoretically, you could use a GUID or UUID to seed, but something as simple as "a" or "1" also works. It's also a good way to allow the player to experience the exact same map every single time. Other games that do this – Valheim, Ostriv, Anno 1800 (and I believe the other Anno games as well), and (I think) Captain of Industry.

    If you think about it in programming terms – a random number generator is generally seeded by the current system time (though some languages and generators may differ slightly on the precision). Something like so:

    Random random = new Random();
    //Is actually doing
    Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeInMillis());

    In simple terms, it gives you, the player, a way to feel like you're helping build/design/define the world that you're playing in.

  5. Are there any city builders where you progress through ages? I still cant understand how there are no mods for anno games where you start in 1404 to 2070 ahh well perhaps one day? xD

  6. I did not enjoy Banished. In the first 30 seconds you mention the game 3 times and I am already losing interest in FF. I hope it is not a micormanagement nightmare like Banished. I miss games like Caesar 3 or Pharao^^

  7. You could also try to play on a smaller map size, maybe that will impact how the game is working? And also check the 4 bioms to see if any has stabiliti issues due to big amount stuff to render and simulate on the same time?

  8. You need to drag a square over the terain! When you drag and release its gona show u what u can harvest you dont need to see the stone, u drag like in rts game when u want to select a group of unints 😀

  9. I wonder how long it takes for you to realize that the arrows for buildings are where the entrance is. Something you always mention that you like, but you haven't mentioned yet.

    This game should also be thought of like Dawn of Man. You're just starting your "village" out and you need basic resources (wood, plants/firewood/sticks, forgeables (like berries), stone, etc). You need to find and click on the things and tell your villagers to harvest it.

    I think I saw, on another video, that you can set the harvest area before you have a forager's hut. Maybe not though. Either way, houses -> wood splitter -> forager -> hunter seems like a decent set up. Set the hunter to hunt around your village (just like DoM), set the forager to the same and then worry about doing other things.

    I also assume that the reason there's an ax used by the hunter is so they can break down the carcass to bring it back. Can you imagine carrying a whole wolf body (or two) back to your village? Probably be easier in pieces.

  10. Map seeds are an "identifier" used by the random generators to allow you to recreate that same map in the future. Use any value you want, and if you like the map, save the seed to a text file for later.

  11. Whats is yout setup? Missed the opportunity of using the "on fire" animation when the game lags or even that one building caught on fire. Thank you again for the game review. Wish this game become great.

  12. This looks like it could be really great. If they can get better UI and optimization, I'm in! I would keep the foliage as is, even if it makes it harder to see, just because of how good it looks.

  13. wow that really is a lot of foliage huh. A toggle for "simplified foliage" could maybe be nice for performance, e.g. where it draws the foliage in a separate surface once and then draws the surface on top of the game like a sky box. It wouldn't move around, and it would probably look bad when you zoom in, but you could blend that surface with the real models at a certain zoom level so you get the full eye candy once you zoom in close enough.

  14. Any chance you'd take a look at Songs of Syx at some point?
    It's a graphically simplistic city/state simulator in a fantasy setting, all made by one guy. (Still being updated too.)
    Has all kinds of amazing features from freeform village/town building all the way up to mass scale war and conquest and it can pretty much run on a potato by modern standards.

    I just can't stop playing it myself. Completely hooked. 🤣

  15. So many rude people in the comments. Zakh, I really enjoyed your commentary and your critiques with this game as everything you said felt valid to me. Really glad to have this game on my radar now, people seem to have a lot of faith in this developer so my fingers are crossed that they continue to spend time polishing this game – huge potential!

  16. I really appreciate your blind playthroughs like this. I watched 2 other people play it yesterday and watching them I was like, “oh I’m 100% getting this game it looks great”. They’d obviously played it already and worked through the problems. There was no, on either video, mention of lack of tutorial. I’m still going to buy the game cause I love games like this, but it’s nice going into it knowing the realistic issues we’ll be walking into. Thanks for being real with us. I appreciate you.


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