One Of The Best Guilds In The World Just Quit

#worldofwarcraft #warcraft #wow

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11 thoughts on “One Of The Best Guilds In The World Just Quit”

  1. This video will explode I'm sure. Fantastic video, I think a lot of guilds should look at this video as a way to see incoming issues or even a great way to start convos on how to avoid these issues and to mitigate them.

    As for blizzard, that's up to them.

  2. As much a great write up that was, it's pretty unfortunately that the no mention of raid ids was in this "thesis". Of all the pain points of Mythic raiding, whether you are top 10 world or sitting at 1500 world, everyone is suffering from roster issues. And the mythic raid id system is the major part to blame for this. I'm in the camp of just axing raid ids altogether and just let people be loot locked the same way they are for LFR, normal, and heroic raids. Those that are super sweaty will begin to do mythic splits…and that can be their own self-imposed hell. The game should not be designed around preventing sweaty behavior but encouraging more people to play the game.

  3. wait so lol people dont have 2-4 teams in guild? why not? are they bad at the game and not involved in good guilds? like the hard truth for a lot of players that refuse to swallow it… is they might not be good enough to go into raids with high skill players who, literally, are the skill gap

    that said… I get carried lol

  4. noone cares who they are, and the only reason their disbanding is important to wow is because maybe FINALLY after enough of these turbo nerds disband and go away wow can stop being designed around 0.01% of the player base.


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