One More Lady From USA with Serious Accusations Against Mike!!!

One More Woman from the USA has laid accusations of Mike’s inappropriate Advances towards her and Using Emotional tactics on her ,It should be noted that contacted Mike and Notified him that accusations have been laid against him and even gave him an opportunity to be part of the conversation to defend himself he agreed !


21 thoughts on “One More Lady From USA with Serious Accusations Against Mike!!!”

  1. NT.. Remember women are nurturers and as human beings want to be love; However for these young black men to lead these older women on then steal their money ,it not a good reflection on those Black men. Naybohanse has so many orphans that I often wonder who are getting these women pregnant. I think everyone in the village is so religious I find it hard to believe the women are getting pregnant through emasculate conception . Those fatherless children should have DNA collected so the government can find their fathers.

  2. NT do not show interveiws and events of scams take them to a logical conclusion as is a criminal cheating case, most of these charity vloggers are not doing registered charity organisations or have any staff or records for account.Please advise the ladies to register a complaint with the Kenya embassy in their country with a follow up email /letter to the County Police station. Your role to guide is important to stop the other honest villagers get a bad name and image.

  3. Robin, stop lying every then.
    You have been calling me talking to my kids and my wife, explaining to us how you are sick,poor, and loneliness . Now, because of your stress you are talking bad about us. I remember when BM Africa was with us here, you told me that you were dating, and you even went fighting in public. Stop lying. I was calling you a sister from another mother . God has mercy on u. You are 60 yrs same age to my mum respect yourself

  4. I just received confirmation about one of my long-standing suspicions regarding Mike. Mike wants to leave Africa for better opportunities in America or Europe and is looking for a sponsor to expedite the process, but it's not feasible. This man is a scam.

  5. NT am surprised that Robin Millet can say all these lies
    I used to talk to her after she talks to Mike and she would cry until I hang up.My kids used to also say that she seems lonely because they would talk to her too.
    Does she have evidence to all these allegations?
    NT.These woman should stop lying.This is the same thing that happened with BM Africa and Robin told us.Am totally surprised 😮

  6. NT, when you live in the US, it will make sense when Americans take everything so seriously. We could do without most of it, but on the other hand, if you see all the craziness in the US, it's hard not to be serious.

  7. My opinion is that many African men looking for women outside of Africa to offer them some type of financial aide. They are many men from different African countries that slide in your dms and I find it totally annoying. For example if you join any fb groups to learn or find out about any particular country in African and you ask a question for example if you want to travel there and just asking a question to the audiences. Man these men like vultures. They send you all kind of messages with stories of woes and pictures of even their moms on hospital beds. This begging thing is a disease that ripples through Africa and I was truly disappointed when I first arrived in Kenya. The behaviors are totally unacceptable. I actually frown upon grown men asking women for money. It’s like no one has pride in oneself. From my observations these people I came across is not what I call poor. The west lives on a debt system and I see many Africans own land and build big houses cash and we can’t afford to do this in some of our countries because of high cost of living. To own a house means taking a mortgage. So who’s better off. I would say the person that can afford to build cash. People need to lift their heads in pride no matter the circumstances.

  8. ❤ This goes on all day everyday in the u. S.A. With black people being manipulated by white people in the job industry. Have no mercy for anybody. That allows this to go on. Because she's lonely, stop the madness. It is what it is. Black or white no color if she gave her money to Mike.That will be her own progressive.Leave it alone please and let might live his life

  9. Please stop. This is miserable, insane bomb and saying when we get the same treatment and the USA on these privileged people entitled, we have no rights as blacks. They try to take everything away. So why is she crying? She got into this on her own Hercules. We have choices in life. It is what it is and we are good people trying to live a good life. But you have your whites that try to bring us down as black individuals here in USA. Her choice is her choice and let it be her choice. Might live your best life. It is what it is🎉

  10. Yes, please. She knew he was married. We all knew he was married. He took she took his looks for granted and asked what she went off and stop lying and stop making a man look bad. Stop it everybody knew that Mike was married. He put it out there. Stop the madness, stop, the room is. And stop trying to make him look bad. I'm not a supporter of my but it is what it is. She screwed up your mistake. It's on you and stop trying to bring a man down. We all knew he was married. Good looks. Is something else you just got played, so live with it. It is what it is.
    Have a heart.❤❤


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