One Island’s Secret to Bucking China's Corruption

China is salivating over the natural resources in Bougainville, a Pacific island of about 300,000 residents that is seeking independence from Papua New Guinea. China would like nothing more than to grease the hands of some government officials and walk away with the islands incredible resources. But one unique law and an incorruptible leader have prevented China from doing that. In this episode of China Unscripted, we look at what natural resources Bougainville has that China wants, how China tried to interfere in Bougainville’s elections, and what happened when Chinese companies tried to use their old tactics to get at Bougainville’s resources. Joining us in this episode is John Kuhns, the chairman and CEO of Numa Numa Resources in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. He’s also the author of the book They Call Me Ishmael, a novel based on the real story of a rebel leader with big dreams for his island.

This is a highlight from the full episode No.167 China’s Pacific Expansion BLOCKED! | John Kuhns

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33 thoughts on “One Island’s Secret to Bucking China's Corruption”

  1. US and EU imposed sanctions against Russia 🇷🇺. But why is it it’s the US/EU that are suffering! It’s like US/Eu taking the poison and hoping the Russian’s suffers. F@@@k jb

  2. If China can't acquire the island's resources, they'll resort to subtle means to destabilize it. China can bide their time waiting for the West weaken and implode. After that, it's military conquest with impunity. Who's going to stop? India? Japan? Game over, man.

  3. Well the Mining Law of 1872 is being attacked by the marxists that hate America as mines are a nations purse. They already follow all the environmental laws & regulation is a CYANIDE PILL to profitable production. Great free gold nuggets there. Chinese rape the placer mine forests using mercury.

  4. It seems to me that the biggest problem these countries have is getting a leader who decides they want to get rid of term limits. More countries ought to make term limits an unchangable rule and a leader who even suggests changing it automatically receives the death sentence. No judge. No jury. Just automatic death for even suggesting it. Eliminating term limits should be the most taboo thing to speak of…

  5. Everyone in Asis knows the Chinese cant be trusted. Why? They have no care for anything but Chinese, locals only get low paid jobs with no hope of serious advancement. While the chinese take over the local economies bleeding locals dry.

  6. Chinas expansionist agenda will soon catch up with it. Just like Putin and his mates are destroying Russia now, the CCP will destroy China by the same means. Not just by picking fights it cant win, but by being stupid enough to think that people outside China or Russia cant see exactly what it is that they might be buying into if they join the club. FFS, yeah America or Europe might bully other countries, but at least people can all see that the people living there are happy, have political and religious freedoms and freedoms of press etc. China is kidding itself….long time.


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