On This Island They Can Get Away W/ Crime Cause Of Cloning

Movie: InfinityPool 2023

James and Em Foster journey to Li Tolqa to take a break and get inspiration, especially amid their rocky marriage. Soon, they encounter Gabi, an actress who’s a fan of James’s book, and her husband, Alban. After an incident, the Fosters’ lives are threatened, but they soon discover a loophole that can allow them to indulge in their darkest desires.

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28 thoughts on “On This Island They Can Get Away W/ Crime Cause Of Cloning”

  1. The island would make more money if they cloned Marilyn Monroe…and sold one to every man on the planet. 🤤Bonus: Receive a Free Linda Carter clone at no extra cost. 😮

  2. i dont understand whats the point of making the clone suffer for its original's crime. the original pays for his crime, yes, that might make sense, but adding cloning them isnt. it serves no purpose. it doesnt make sense.

  3. My only question is…why go to a country where the rule is if you kill someone,you’ve gotta be killed by the first born……like if that’s not a red flag😂and even the damn resort said “ DO GO WANDERING OUT THERE”💀Tbfh the plot of the story would’ve ended hella earlier if things went slightly different,still liked it tho


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