On The Ground INTEL Reveals Russia's Next Objective – Wagner Return? – Ukraine War Map Analysis News

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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30 thoughts on “On The Ground INTEL Reveals Russia's Next Objective – Wagner Return? – Ukraine War Map Analysis News”

  1. Zelenski and NATO are morons. Russia already believes and has publicly stated that this is a proxy war with NATO and you think that if NATO gets directly involved buy attacking russias missiles that Russia is going to to sit back and say , well they fired from outside of Ukraine so they really are not attacking us! Those who believe this are morons and should not be in charge of a doggy day care let alone in charge of making decisions that could start the 3rd world war

  2. Why does NO ONE mention the high numbers of Ukrainian deserters? The number of draft dodgers is now less then the numbers of deserters. Border towns are telling Ukrainian troops to leave and Ukrainian citizens are telling the Russian Army the positions of their own army to keep the war out of their town. The Ukrainians are more and more saying the"west" is pushing the war and not listening for calls for "peace".. Those voices are getting louder but no one is talking about it…

  3. Willy how long will you continue lying? "Ukraine claimed 2 russian ships" – Ukraine DID not, only Kovrovets was posted on May 20th, but russian own voenkors were crying bloody tears all over internet a day later, thats the only reason it was added- stop lying f..k

  4. Its not hard working out what Russia's objectives might be – just refer to their initial statement on the SMO

    – Demilitarisation, DeNazification, No NATO for Ukraine

    Nothing has changed

  5. Willy, I think it's well understood long ago that the U.S./NATO and even our own Australia is at war with Russia all but in name. Nations like the said above don't spend trillions of dollars and "donate" billions of dollars worth of weapons out of the goodness of their hearts – especially the U.S. and Britain.
    As a side note, at the end of both the First [Nye Committee]
    and Second World Wars [Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program (1941-1948)], the United States established committees to investigate 'profiteering' by the military manufacturing sector.
    I greatly hope, but very much doubt there will be a similar investigation post-Russian-Ukrainian conflict!

    P.S. I appreciate Wikipedia is a shit reference, but to give people an insight….


  6. I think you mean the Russians are using SF guys as the point units and surgical scalps to create the first holes in the points they are trying to get in and behind them are larger amount of elite standard formations to confirm the holes they made and overwhelm the space everywhere. This really anything new for the Russians and it's not just Wagner or VDV or SF guys.

  7. 19:00 "Look, Putin has never given any signs of wanting to negotiate."
    Who is moron here Every single appearance of Putin had call for negotiation. But when they don't wanna hear that they just ignore.
    Ukrainian Crimea? hahahah don't those idiots understand that only way of taking Crimea back would be global nuclear war at this point.

  8. Why are Ukrainians accepting that nazis are governing their nation? They did not like those that cared for them, despite the corruption – which is ALWAYS present in Ukraine, so instead they became useful idiots for the Americans – that don't really give a shit. Ukrainians will find out sooner or later. Apparently they are victims of their own propaganda – so they end up loosing much of their nation. Every Ukrainian should ask him/herself; What have Zelensky actually achieved? He promised 1) peace, 2) prosperity – and 3) respect for Russian minority and the Russian language. So far he failed to deliver on all three promises – in fact he have achieved the opposite – besides making the world a much dangerous place for all of us. You can't stop to wonder: Why is he still alive?

  9. How is the second strongest military, losing a war of attrition to the second poorest country in Europe like the Black Sea doesn’t exist they sank their flagship they own what percent of a country they’ve been invading for three years that makes a lot of mathematical sense. I’m sure Russia is winning some thing.


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