Omo 1 redated to 233kya changes human family tree: Omo 2, Herto Man direct lineage to NE Africans?

With the redating of the Omo 1 skull from 190,000 years ago to 233,000 years ago, it is beginning to appear that maybe Omo 1 diverged from Omo 2. And that Omo 2 is more closely related to Herto Man. Dates for Omo 2 are 190,000 years ago; Herto at 160,000 years ago.

The rearranging of the human phylogenetic tree would be severe if this hypothesis were proven to be true.

Apidima 1 shows Homo sapiens in Europe now at 230,000 years ago. Was Apitidma 1 Man directly related to Omo 1?


3 thoughts on “Omo 1 redated to 233kya changes human family tree: Omo 2, Herto Man direct lineage to NE Africans?”

  1. The fossil record appears to show gradual migration of Homo sapiens into Eurasia, but interestingly none of those early lineages contributed to modern populations. All present-day Eurasian genomes are derived from lineages between 35 and 40 kya leaving no genetic footprint of the original founding lineages such as Zlaty kun. GREAT JOB!


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