*Oldest Tower Ladder in FDNY's Fleet!* 1999/2001 Seagrave Survived Collapse Walkaround + Light Demo

Tower Ladder 85 is currently utilizing a 2001/1999 Seagrave 95′ Tower ladder as a Spare while their frontline gets worked on at the Shops. With the recent auctioning off of the last few of the early 2000 Seagrave Tower ladders, it makes this spare the oldest and last early 00s to late 90s Tower Ladder within the spare fleet still being used in spare rotation. Upon the replacement of the rest of the newer 95′ Tower Ladders in the coming year or so, this Rig will be auctioned off. This particular 95′ has an interesting story shared through photographs & video at the start of the video. Originally Assigned to Tower Ladder 9 in Manhattan the Rig was a 1999 Seagrave 95′ Tower Ladder (ST99006). Housed with Engine 33 which had a 1998 Seagrave Pumper which I also did a Walk-Around of ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvPic1rXXa0 ) both Responded to the WTC. Tower Ladder 9 was severely damaged by the collapse of both towers with its cab completely burnt out. A short few months later after having a new cab added & Chassis, the rig went back into service with Ladder 9 as ST01007.



33 thoughts on “*Oldest Tower Ladder in FDNY's Fleet!* 1999/2001 Seagrave Survived Collapse Walkaround + Light Demo”

  1. She's still a beauty after all these years …. She should be saved and restored to all her glory just like in 1999 … Unfortunately that more than likely won't happen … Great job on the video brother!

  2. WOW!!! What an Honor it must be to even be inside the Truck that carried the men to the World Trade Center, Literally Living History, Hope they keep this truck in service longer and even then preserve it and it's history

  3. I like this. First u showed us a engine from WTC and now a tower ladder thanks man great video. I great to see FDNY keeping such a memorable vehicle.
    Ye FD will take this out of service sometime will they become museum peas somewhere.
    Also if there anymore round love to see them.

    3 great vid of old trucks
    WTC Eng/ Ladd ✔️
    Old foam tender ✔️

    + really love Fleet services videos hope see more of that too

  4. Thank you for showing me this amazing rig. She's definitely serving New York City proud. I would love to know where was engine 33 parked at during 9/11.

  5. Would have been a nice video but you blew right by the memorial on the side door. Instead we see 50 clips of the serial number of the rig. Next time, slow the fuck down. The cameras at the olympics trying to cover usain bolt didnt move that fast. Shitty video👎

  6. Why not fire trucks don't
    Age it has working parts
    For large fleets have the
    Same make.and model
    Bye the way the older
    Diesel engine s are more reliable and the
    Up keep is cheaper its
    A better bang for the
    City of New York

  7. As someone who loves classic big trucks this video makes me happy. My local fire department has a classic 1990s GMC tanker, she's not very fast but she can carry allot of water.

  8. There are few things in life that are at the same time representing humanity in it’s purpose (Fire apparatus) and those we’ve lost, it’s in this Truck. God Bless.


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