Oldest Beings in Halo | Lore and Theory

In this episode: we look at a variety of characters in the Halo Universe to find the range of ages for just how old different characters of different species can get.

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27 thoughts on “Oldest Beings in Halo | Lore and Theory”

  1. I'm, I've sought of lost interest in your channel, but I very much like your passion. I've decided to keep Supporting your dream, in hopes that you make it. Got to keep to keep positive thoughts and strive for the future. Me myself, at 31 im sponsoring 2 chainsaw guys as well as you, which is my preferred preference, however I do have a soft spot for halo, so keep up the good work. I'm also a one of Your Sub Monitors on Patreon. If you want to create another Monitor on Patreon I'll dump YouTube and become a full time Monitor

  2. Actually the Cosmic microwave background radiation which is as far back in our past we can see, took the light like 92 billion years to reach us, meaning just observable universe is under 100 billion not 14 billion like people think ,so your correct although we are missing time before the CMB meaning universe could be more than 92 billion.

  3. Age is tricky, considering Time is a bit fucky in the Halo Universe. With beings unaffected by time and others manipulating it, heck even Humans trick their numerical Age with Cryo.

    And let's be honest, the Domain being older than it's "physical Manifestation" is just a fucky concept, because with the Neural Lace Humanity employs (The ones from the "Secret Super Humans" Video), they are also way older than their Time in our Universe shows. Heck, if we count that, the Flood again shoots up to Number one, considering the Amount of "Lifetimes" integrated inside the Gravemind, not even counting all of the Forerunner Biomass "Age" at their Prime.

    Not sure if Precursors acually have an Age / can die and those aren't just descendants of the first ones, so I'm not sure if that counts as "Oldest". So until we meet an Precursor actually older than the "Last Precursor"/Gravemind, the Gravemind will stay on top for me.

  4. The thing is, was Johnson 78 years old physically or in total time? Physically meaning the time his body actually aged, outside of cryosleep, total meaning the time from his birth to his death, including cryosleep. As a part of the military, he'd spend a LOT of time in cryo, so he could be 78 in total time but 40-50 in physical time.

  5. The domain may have 100 billions years of achives bit that does not mean its that old. If you record for 15 minutes on 2 different cameras you have 30 minutes worth of footage in 15 minutes. The only reason the domain has that many years of archives is because of the sheer number of view points.

  6. I just want the word to know I was having a halo survival dream and my car alarm followed by squealing tires. Someone hit my car and drove off.

    The dream: I was shopping in a Home Depot when some random guy told me I needed to start climbing and get outta sight, so I did. Got up on the top shelf and heard the storm going on below. Then I saw a flood spore beside me and squished it, then started freaking out cuz that would alert them I was there. Then I went up to a loft window that was up there (for some reason) and looked out at the park across the street, it too was getting overrun. A combat form dropped from the roof onto the balcony out the window, and I pushed it off. Then I was in the park, almost like a 3rd person fly by I guess….

    Yeah then real life summoned me and it's 3:45 am, just got off the phone with the cops, and I'm wondering how I'll get to work in a few hours lol

  7. Of course the Precursors are still alive. They weren't confined to the Milky Way and are effectively immortal. Even if the Forerunners somehow figured out how to kill one and wiped out every one in the galaxy, there's no way even they could wipe out a species of what are essentially gods


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