Old Testament vs New Testament Blood Atonement

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about the biblical doctrine of blood atonement, and how the Old Testament way is very different from the New Testament way.


34 thoughts on “Old Testament vs New Testament Blood Atonement”

  1. Whoo Hoo!!! Cannot wait to hear this. My favorite Preacher. Preacher Breaker. Hi Preacher Breaker. Glad to see you always. Hi Laura and all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Love you all. Cannot wait to see ya all in the clouds. I’m Rapture Ready! Whoo Hoo!!! ❤🙏😊🩸🙌🫶

  2. You can’t clump all versions in as being bad based on the least Biblical ones you chose, barring the ESV. The NIV is woke-junk, IMO. The Good News “translation” is bunk, too, & don’t get me started on this “passion translation” that is up there as a Best Seller among “translations!”🤦🏻‍♀️

    I still use the KJV but I also use the NKJV, NASB, ESV. Once I saw that there were added texts in the KJV that weren’t in the earliest transcripts, I figured it was best to not just use one. When I first found out Verses were added like the angel stirring the waters in John 5:8 and part of those in 1 John 5:7 & 8, & there are other places such as the end of Mark, I started getting nervous! I was real leery that the Roman Catholic Church was behind adding Scriptures that weren’t there & I’m still leery of them, but I don’t discount the KJV. Most of my memorized Scripture is fm there as it’s a beautiful translation.

    But, please, don’t act like there aren’t benefits to be found adding others. It’s not like the NASB and ESV have changed my understanding of the Word or my study of prophecy. Crud, it’s not like those mentioned above are the NLT or NLV. Those shouldn’t even been called Translations. It’s frustrating clearing up those who only use them bc they’re lazy. They also have usually never read thru the whole Bible, let alone studied it.

    Believe me, I’ve spent hours looking into all sides because I wanted to make sure I was studying fm the most correct translation aside fm the orig languages that I could get & not having anyone to ask, I had to do some leg work on my own. I sat under an NIV only Pastor that was a snob against the KJV, I wasn’t down with that either.

    From this Floridian Sister to her Floridian Brother, I say this with loving kindness, it sounds like KJV only ppl worship the Translation. I’m not saying that’s ‘what you do’ but that’s how it comes off as. Trust me, I recently joined a Christian telegram group of lovely ppl all around the world but they’re snobby if you don’t ONLY use their preferred KJV Translation!

    I’ve watched you a lot, finding you recently on YouTube, and my doctrine tracks with everything you teach, but this one thing. And I was able to get there not only using the KJV, but the NKJV, NASB, ESV & I even have a parallel ginormous back throwing out Bible with the KJV, NIV *spits*, NASB and even the AMP translation for dummies 101!🤷🏻‍♀️ I have many others, none I put any stock into but the thrift store wouldn’t charge for Bibles so I kind of started collecting them just to see how all versions read. It was a hobby I could afford! But it’s been just me and the Holy Spirit & Promise Of God, on this journey until I discovered YouTube which is still a mind field, as even being in the church I had no one to turn to; so by the Grace, Knowledge & Wisdom of God, He got this old, broken down, disabled, country girl there! And her she sits today, a sister in Christ, hopefully not angering you, writing this!

    May God Continue To Bless You & Yours Always & I thank you and appreciate all the time you put into these teachings! And your right, I’ve never seen another YouTube Pastor hand out his personal home digits! heh Today, People are lucky if their pastors hand theirs out! I’m down the road fm Dr. Youngblood’s church, who also happens to be a KJV only pastor LoL, and I will soon be joining his church as I love a Bold Pastor that in these days doesn’t worry with what the world thinks about the Word Of God! And he is a spitfire~not pleasing man but God! Y’all are refreshing! Thanks Again!

  3. Trust in Jesus sacrifice for you and recieve the atonment so you will be saved! Faith❤️Jesus is the Messiah! God bless everybody who believes in Jesus Christ, the son of God.

  4. Leviticus 5:11 (KJV)

    But if he be not able to bring two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering; he shall put no oil upon it, neither shall he put [any] frankincense thereon: for it [is] a sin offering.
    This person had no blood offering but his sin offering was accepted.

  5. You know what they don't realize is that in denying Christ they look for the savior and don't see that they have to sacrifice him for there sins because they don't believe the atonement has been made and is he don't come riding a donkey into Jerusalem he ant the one and it's sad to see that they already say blasphemy by saying all religions lead to God which is wrong worshipping Budda does not lead to Christ or God nor does any other religion not even Islam it's not the same and only our Father in heaven knows how many time wicked men has changed the word for there own benefits the word is our bread and if you take away the ingredients it's not gonna fill you up the same and you'll starve to death or get sick just like when they change our crops with genetic engineering the outcome is no longer the same and it doesn't benefit you as the Lord intended when He made them anyway I pray for all who are still lost and hope as many come before he shuts the gates as when he did when Noah was entering the ark don't get left behind have no doubt who died for us because one it's too late it's to late but even for them there is a way it's just they won't wana take it but I'll pray for them the same and may the will of the Father be done none the less.

  6. Well now, Heb .10:12-14 says once saved always saved it worries me that cod 50 yrs being saved I can say I have sinned and know that no sin will, can, enter the kingdom of heaven, holiness unto god for He is holy, how can one be saved forever!!! Even Lucifer had sin in him and that we pride, he got kicked out of heaven for that sin alone how can we possible think we are saved forever!! I know I sin and I want that forgiveness and yes one can fall from grace, I am not saved forever even in sin one cannot be saved in that condition. As well as you know the word of God how can you support salvation forever when even Lucifer sinned and cast out!!!

  7. I'd like to see a video on what's going on in Israel now. They are claiming that the Messiah is there and they're having meetings with him and deciding when to announce it to the world

  8. So many of us know this in an out, backwards, forwards, upside down, sideways lol 😂 I use to not understand why you did so many different teachings on the blood. Then I realized, if you do not make a video on the blood often how many will not see the previous ones? So many news subscribers, or people passing by here from a suggested video or something. So every video now instead of wishing it was another teaching I praise the lord for using you to spread the gospel properly, your videos on are you saved, and the blood are what truly made me realize I was saved. I had absolutely no doubt anymore, not a tad of worry I could lose it. It being my salvation, and I thank the lord for allowing me to connect to your teachings, as they are the only way I have truly been able to learn the scripture, reading it myself I had a hard time comprehending it, and had not found someone teaching it the way I knew it needed to be. Everyone I found was wrong about something which clearly means I can’t watch them, if they are wrong about salvation, or wrong about the rapture I can’t trust their teachings on any of it. So thank you for allowing the lord to use you as his servant and continuing to be humble, and push forward on the blood it’s truly incredible you can keep making new videos on the same topic, you could easily just re upload and debut a previous video. I really admire that and pray that I can be of a fraction of as good as a servant as you are. It gives such encouragement I continue to pray the lord use me as his servant for whatever he would like me to do. God bless 💕🙏


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