Old Testament Come Follow Me (ISAIAH 50-57) FAVORITE THINGS (Sep 26-Oct 2)


Download your copy of Handout –https://thestevescott.com/ot-downloads

Scripture Marking Video: https://youtu.be/dT62gkUTPbc

Into Song – https://music.apple.com/ca/album/never-give-up-on-quest-feat-evie-clair-benson-baril/1480468441?i=1480468442

Follow Steve on Social Media:
Instagram: @thestevescott @chelseastarlene
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CFMstevescott
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chelsea.c.scott.7

#comefollowme2022 #oldtestamentcomefollowme #thestevescott #ldscomefollowme #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints


26 thoughts on “Old Testament Come Follow Me (ISAIAH 50-57) FAVORITE THINGS (Sep 26-Oct 2)”

  1. I am so glad Chelsea joined. I remember that episode. I have always watched with closed caption because Chelsea talked so softly. I am glad you got microphones. Your testimonies have helped build mine, so thank you for starting this channel. 😊

  2. Know your family will enjoy conference weekend, like the saing goes, (when the lord's serving blessings, be there with your plates up.)
    So excited to tell you two that along with the Old The Testament studies with Connect Up, I've also been studying the Book of Mormon with you, which I completed last week. Did you ever wear the red tie for Christmas?
    So grateful that I came across your lessons last year, I've enjoyed every lesson and your darling personalities.

  3. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your faithfulness with growing out of the socially anxiety you've experienced.

    That was the hardest thing for me to overcome when l joined the Church. I didn't know how to be around so many people, even though I walked into the Church alone, not knowing anyone there, being led by the Spirit of Heavenly Father not knowing where l was going. I had no choice but to continue forward to grow out of who l was to become who Heavenly Father needs me to be.

    I'm very happy that l took those steps.

    I'm sure that Heavenly Father is happy with your growth as a root out of dry ground.

  4. I always love your weekly lesson, your testimony and everything even your jokes sometimes.. lol. You are such a sweet couple, a great inspiration to me. I've been watching since day 1 of CFM D&C til this time. Every week I am copying your board (or from your dowload website) in my journal notebook and I am loving it putting different colored markers. When I go back to the Philippines, I'll bring it with me for my library ( for my non-members fam to see🙏).❤. I really appreciate you two. God bless!🙏🙏🙏💖.
    "Favourite Things". Lol❤🎉

  5. Watching your videos is one of my favourite things to do each week! (See what I did there?) I have actually born my testimony twice in my ward this year about how much I am learning about the Old Testament because I have added your videos to my studying. Thank you so much for following the prompting to start and continue this channel!!

  6. Favourite Things, I had to look up the spelling to find out how it is spelt in the rest of the English speaking world. You two are part of my favorite things. Thank you for your willingness to consecrate your time and your efforts to the Lord and to us. As you talked in the beginning of this video, I remember the lighting and the microphone problems. All I can say is that your videos just keep getting better. Thank you. I have to admit that I had been watching another Come Follow Me video and I had to stop because it felt like they were just trying to sell me something. Half their video turned into selling their products. The only thing you two are selling me is the gospel and you are selling it for free. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    I don't have a dad joke but I do have a dinosaur joke.
    Q: Why did the Apatosaurus devour the factory?

    A: Because she was a plant eater.
    Have a great week and enjoy conference😎😄😊

  7. Chelsea you are my hero! When I think of people I want to emulate and become like, you are top of my list. I am very much like you and can completely appreciate how much you've been through to get where you are. Thank you for being such a great example of trust and faith and strength. And Steve, you're amazing too. You both have such a spirit about you and I love the way you teach the gospel. It helps it to make so much more sense. Thank you thank you for putting yourselves out there and sacrificing and sharing your time and talents with us. It means the world.

  8. You are both so refreshing! Fun and learning! Perfect combination! Keep up the good work! My favourite chapter this week is chapter 54. God spoke and speaks to me personally. At the time of my divorce He really comforted me when I read it! 💓 My Father loves me! ❤

  9. STEVE & CHELSEA, Our daughter turned us on to you. We, (my wife and I) love yall. You make learning so flipping fun.. But I will not pick up my scriptures, I learn from verbal talks like GENERAL CONFERENCE talks which I/we listen to over and over. Even go as far as using conference talks as a sleep aid at bedtime. LOL. I just listen to you two. I have never learned Isaiah until now. I read and don't learn. I listen and I learn..
    Jim and Kathy Arrington

  10. Happy Anniversary, Chelsea! You have been a great addition to the channel! I can’t imagine this channel without you, even though I started watching before you came on board. I enjoy watching every week. I love your quirkiness and your love of the gospel.

  11. My husband and I have been listening for at least a couple years now and we really enjoy the both of you! Thank you for sharing your story today of how you got started with teaching the gospel online. We’ve changed around to a few different Gospel teachers but you guys have been a constant because we resonate with many of your experiences, and thus the spirit delivers the Gospel truths through you straight into our hearts. We also love having fun with you as we learn the gospel! (we like that you keep it short too!)

    Loved your testimonies of the power of the fast, my heart knows it as well, it was a wonderful & timely reminder.

    We are retirees living in St. George Utah. We love you! Thank you for your love & your testimonies! Many blessings to you for your loving service!!!

    Theresa & Kelly


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