Old Husky Receives A Gift From His Friend

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The Animation 😍😍

The Snowdog & The Robin Book


Sherpa A New Beginning

Sherpa A Letter From Paris

Sherpa In Search of Snow


38 thoughts on “Old Husky Receives A Gift From His Friend”

  1. Sweet seeing Sherpa and Key together ❤ 💕 Love Sherpa's scarf so cutttteeee ❤❤❤ Saw when Jodie made the name plate for Sherpa, so Cool and Creative ❤❤❤ Hope Jaime, Sherpa, Jodie and Key have a healthy and happiness in 2024. Joan 😊

  2. Lol I've watched it a million times, and I swear to God I love it even more every time. Sherps is going to pull up and yell and Key would get restless then eventually both would be on the front door on opposite sides talking to each other. Door opens , brief meeting Sherp runs in Key goes to Jamie and then both come back a quick butt sniff and thats it enjoy the episode 😂

  3. I don’t like you calling him ‘old.’
    Our Akita died of cancer a couple months ago at 7 and I don’t think I’m ever getting over it.
    He was named Hero, for good reason. He was MY Hero. He didn’t make it to ‘old.’
    I used to say that since we don’t know when we will pass, that we have no way of knowing ‘life expectancy.’ It’s different for everyone of us.
    Dogs are my favorite people.
    There was a story i found about a boy whose dog died, the whole family was gathered and sad. One person said ‘it’s so unfair that dogs don’t live long like humans! Why don’t they?’
    The boy thought and spoke out….. ‘I know, I know! It’s because it takes some humans even a lifetime to figure out how to be good…. But dogs start out good and stay good their whole lives! That’s why , because it doesn’t take them so long to figure out life!’

  4. 😟Lately I've been noticing how you keep referring to your fur baby as OLD & the photos you select to go with that phrase make your fur baby look like he is on his deathbed🥺

    🤷😟Would you consider not referring to your baby as old and also not featuring a photo of him looking as if he is on his last leg of the journey.🥺

    It makes my heart ache & I'm afraid to open up your site & maybe find out something sad.

  5. 💖💖💖😊 Awe, I love how Key always greets you, Jaime and Sherpa. He truly can't wait to see the both of you. Sherpa truly can't wait to see his bestie , Jodi , and for sure his biscuit lady. Sherpa and Key are thinking biscuits lady come on fast , now. Yummy, yummy, I got love in my tummy and it is so good. 😂 Awe love what Jodie did for Sherpa. She is so talented in making crafts and things.❤❤😊 I think I forgot to wish them a blessed New Year. 🎉Can you let them know. Thanks . You all have a beautiful day. Much 💖🤗

  6. Sherpa is 13 years old. He is old. Huskies and Malamutes can live up to 15 years. I'm sure Jamie will take very good care of Sherpa in his Golden Years. "Live long and prosper."
    "Although some Siberian Huskies can live up to 16 years, the average lifespan is 12 to 15 years. In all breeds, including huskies, females live slightly longer than males. A Siberian Husky named Kody lived in Philadelphia and reached 16 years old."


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