Oil Wind Fish and More – The Next Decade In Newfoundland

Newfoundland is working hard to position itself as a world leader in wind energy through the production of “green hydrogen”. The first project trying to reach the production stage might end up filling up the Port au Port peninsula with gigantic windmills.

This is happening while trying to capitalize on the enormous oil field known as Bay du Nord, about 500km offshore from St. John’s.

These projects have the potential to completely transform Newfoundland, but there’s no guarantee that either will get off the ground. We have to watch to see how they play out.

In the meantime, there are a number of other industries that seem to be heading down the right road, and this should help us stay positive and optimistic, regardless of what happens with these 2 projects.

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Wherever yer from, wherever yer to, there’s a place for you here!

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