Oh oh now I'm in trouble!

I goofed! While I was getting the Mineral Range I had my husband taking them as they rolled over the overpass at the same time. I was determined to get the overpass in Ely Township since I had first heard of it. So we got them both and while I was walking back to the truck Jim took some photos of me. I posted one and received criticism from one man -he said I was sending the wrong message-and I should stay off the tracks-an innocent photo but he was right-it is against the law to walk on the tracks. But I am keeping it up for awhile! One thing, I misspoke, after the Mineral Range picks up the nickel and copper powder ores in Humboldt and covers the gons, they head back to Ishpeming. The Mineral Range then trades off with the CN who takes the covered gons to Eagle Mills to finish it’s journey.


20 thoughts on “Oh oh now I'm in trouble!”

  1. Yes, that was very cool! A puff of smoke, a toot, and a wave. And an old high hood to boot. Doesnt get much better than that. Great catch! Wonderful scenery.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  2. Wow beautiful spot Nancy. Old engines and new gondolas πŸ‘πŸΌ. That’s interesting they haul the copper and nickel dust in those covered gons. Great video Nancy πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  3. If you're not an employee, representative, first Responders, repair crew….or have permission from the railroad….STAY OFF THE RAILROAD TRACKS AND RIGHT OF WAY! πŸ˜‘πŸ‘Ž

  4. Please observe railfan safety. You were very close to the tracks, especially on a curve. If a car has a broken wheel or axle, causing a derailment, you were too close to escape.
    Please don’t shoot so close to the ROW.

  5. Never walk inside the gauge like that. Too many people have been run over doing that, including railroad employees. Don't mean to sound so negative, but as a former rr worker myself, it is a safety issue constantly stressed. And yes, it is also, trespassing. Use common sense and be safe.

  6. Ignore the safety nazis, Nancy. You're a mature adult with good hearing and eyesight, not some irresponsible teenage pot smoking rum bum. While walking down a seldom used railroad track in the UP, you are more at risk of being attacked by wolves than being struck by a slow moving train.


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