oh no! which one do i shoot?! (fnf zanta gameplay)

sorry for the audio at the begining, hopefully i can get an extenstion that has better audio soon lmao (btw, merry christmas)

edit: omg… you guys, i am so thankful for the amount of views this vid got, its quality is so bad but you guys still watched, thank you all, im eternally greatful. love you all!

(also, not quite sure why the vid cuts off at the end but its whatever i guess)


29 thoughts on “oh no! which one do i shoot?! (fnf zanta gameplay)”

  1. the fake santa just switches hats and tom is like oh no witch one do i shoot and then tom shoots the real santa and then edd is like you idiot you shoot the wrong santa and then the fake santa shoots the lazer gun then edd is like you little f### dick and then tom gets back up and then the rea battle begins this is a awsome video💌


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