Oh My God! Wrestling Highlights (Part 18)

Once again, Let’s Go.


32 thoughts on “Oh My God! Wrestling Highlights (Part 18)”

  1. Dude, I actually miss all of your video. Your compilation are makes me watching more. Including TNA 2005 and some jobbers from other indies. Keep it up the work!

  2. One thing I can never stand is seeing guys like Low-Ki get in the video. Him, Brody King, Nia Jax etc… just terrible wrestlers who don't care about the safety of the people in the ring with them. Completely takes me out of it when I see them.

  3. 9:58
    Holy fuck that's more impressive than when John cena did it. I expect cena to do it he's built like a fucking moose.
    tell me how this string beans legs don't fucking snap in half????

  4. Despite being awesome to watch in hindsight, a LOT of these spots are redundant/illogical fucking stupid to begin with, lmao. The shooting star to standing on the floor in first clip is a perfect example.


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