Oh, how the city lights shine on the greatest city in America. Where's the star spangled banner?

In honor of those who lost their lives on September 11th, I’m doing an early release of this driving video.

Every day, I live in my own little world, as do many others. I also travel through different realms and worlds. I’m privileged to be able to do so with my children in tow. I stare bleak poverty in the face every day. I see the lowest of the economic bell curve daily. I see the faces of the homeless; I don’t view them as human street signs. They are people, they have stories, they have lives, and had lives prior to homelessness. I’ve heard some of their stories.

I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly in this, our great country.

I also see the fancifulness that our country has to offer. I mingle with the high earners, the pedigreed and degreed, the products of the nuclear households, the products of generational wealth, and opportunities. I see it, and I’ve seen the misfortunes of both realms and worlds. The consistencies and inconsistencies are astounding. People walk around hopeless, happy, or stagnating in both. The cleanest and dirtiest are in all. The gluttony, lack of care for fellow human, and the magnitude or lack of, is widespread in both. I’ve known doctors who dabble with substance abuse and the homeless that do as well. One is more socially accepted, and one is just a person to drive past and ignore.

We are all family in this country. Our ancestry, our legacy, and our past bind us together. We need to stop looking at our tiny pieces of our own worlds and start looking past the details. The big picture has cracks, breaks, and crinkled. We need to spread out and start conquering and fixing all of our little broken pieces instead of either celebrating them as badges of honor or acting like they don’t exist.

Help fix what is broken.

We are all a little broken, twisted, or unique. I know I am. I’m also trying to help where I can.

Will you?

Will you remember when someone came to our home, our country, our place and attacked it?

Let’s honor those who died either fighting for this country and those who were just living their lives prior to someone coming in and attacking them when they weren’t looking.

We are all survivors. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t.

Love me or hate me, I’ll be here working to fix what I can.


2 thoughts on “Oh, how the city lights shine on the greatest city in America. Where's the star spangled banner?”

  1. Fiery Unicorn, also known as Isabelle, asked me to let everyone know to like & subscribe. She's very excited about trying to get one of the YouTube Play Buttons. If my video was helpful or enjoyable, please subscribe. Every subscriber counts for us. We talk about and appreciate every like and every subscriber. No matter where you are, you matter to us. We love you guys & enjoy sharing our lives with everyone! 😊


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