OG Dying Light Zombies Are Just Built Different…

The OG Dying Light zombies were so good that they still hold up eight years after the game launched, but how do they compare with the new Dying Light 2 zombies?

Intro 0:00
How Realistic Are They? 0:20
How Do They Behave? 2:25
Gore System Comparison 4:03
How Random Are Zombie Encounters? 5:27
Zombie Variants Comparison 6:38
Conclusion 8:22
Outro 10:01

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40 thoughts on “OG Dying Light Zombies Are Just Built Different…”

  1. just yesterday i finished DL2 after a year of constant procrastinating. The story and fights are dull, boring, textures are lame.
    I love the flying (using position cheat to keep flying) and I liked the David Belle actor in it .. loved his 2004 movie district 13. Awesome parkour stunts.

  2. You know what this might be an unpopular opinion, but I’ve been playing dl2 recently and after all the updates I have to say I actually prefer it over the first game now. The human vs human combat is so fun, it genuinely lifts the game completely for me. I also like the progression better. The zombies are being improved with every update, they are still a little buggy right now, but I reckon with a couple more updates to the game they’ll return to their former glory.

  3. Couldve honestly saved so much money and resources and time if they just took the models from DL1 and just placed them in a new map then mixed the population so old zombies had new clothing ect. PLUS keep old mechanics and skin of old volatiles and just slightly change the colour. Keep the original viral behavior while simultaneously creating new current virals that blend in with the regular zombies. Then all they would have to do is make new zombie variants code new behaviors for them blend them in with the horde and you're all set. Add new Parkour animations like they actually did while keeping some of the old ones and all set

  4. One thing that really ticks me off is the swing animation, it feels so, scripted , in the first game , it felt physical it had weight, when your swing hit a zombie, it stopped mid animation and on that zombie, in the second game , that animation goes all the way through and even hits multiple zombies with no problem as if they weren't even there , the first game made hordes actually scary unless you had a BRAND NEW sharp weapon, without it , you could only attack one enemy at a time for the most part

  5. Definitely review this game later in the year as it's gonna receive many changes. They're going to update the gore and physics, along with parkour flow changes, and improves night time experiences

  6. i mean, in dl2, i like how there are "older" infected, like how virals in higher levels will look greyer and stronger almost looking like they'll become a volatile soon, and aswell as lets say, bolters, having more pus-glowy stuff on their back and a split jaw to indicate that its still the same virus that makes the volatiles, or even the biters, becoming very skinny and weak and dried up. there is also chargers, goons, and demolishers that get this treatment, gaining more mutations as they get stronger, but theres no variation with them all at a higher player level, as they only recently added where more normal virals can spawn even when at a high player level. also, apparently kids are just really resistant to the virus in DL2 since its a different/modified strain, so that explains why there are no kid ones, but i wish there would be that RAREEEEE chance of finding one, just to have indoors, cuz they were very creepy and it may sound weird to say this, but i liked taking them out softly in DL1, like putting them out of their misery.

  7. I suspect that players will NEVER be happy with the state of DL2, no matter what the developers do %)

    Not only was DL1 not perfect at release, it's still not perfect now. It is full of glitches, bugs, errors in the movement of bots, stupid behavior of bandits and zombies.

    Volatiles don't walk there completely freely, it's enough to play more than 100 hours to understand that they also move along certain routes and deviate from them only to chase the player. Biters and virals have a set of the same animations, quite limited and sometimes you can see 2-3-4 virals that are synchronized in movements and it looks very funny. What else is there? Zombies walking on air? Bandits falling from rooftops?

    All this is now, 8 years later.

    The only thing DL1 has is a nostalgic aura. We spent so much time with this game… we already have Stockholm Syndrome, yes)))

    By the way, in DL2 the models of Biters and Virals are gradually updated, take a closer look at them. New animations are added. They promise to update physics and much more.

    Yes, the game is not perfect, but this is a reason for work, and not a global tragedy)

  8. 04:00 clears so much up for me. I just instinctively try to hit arms and legs in Dying Light 2 to immobilize zombies but it doesn’t work. And at some point i just thought i was imagining a game mechanic. Now this just makes sense because i remember doing it in the OG Dying Light.

  9. I started playing DL2 and the first thing I noticed was that the zombies look flat. Sometimes they don't look like they're even there coz they blend in the backround so well especially in the forest. Their textures are just flesh and blood splattered all over them, like an abstract art that's why they blend in many scenarios. It's so sad 😭

  10. This video is perfect, just last night I decided to go back to playing the first Dying Light game, I haven't played that game since beating it back then in 2016. The zombies in that game were more menacing and realistic looking, especially in their behavior. Passion in creativity really needs to make a hard comeback.

  11. Personally I'd disagree with how you feel about the art style. Though it's not as realistic as the first I like how stylized it is. The hand drawn look you described is what I really like about it. Also I like the Goon more in DL2, as to me it's a more unique design.

    To each their own though, you raised a lot of valid points. The physics of the zombies (or lack there of) is something I also hope gets improved. I really miss how realistic the zombies acted in the first game, here's hoping Techland continues to fix it.

  12. This is my biggest issue with the game. The zombies just dont look zombie enough. They look like generic plaza people from a far and the choice to leave mostly all of them with strands of hair kinda bothers me. Even the special infected suffer from this. As well as the fact that their all easily avoidable since mostly everything requires you to scale up high buildings or stay on rooftops theres no more random encounters with them compared to the first.

  13. Simple there isn't virals spawning in everytime you do the most minor thing like "stealth kill" a renegade and the biters would only grab you if you were aware and wanted it there was also a instant Escape with made that stun ability and takedown way more helpful I cleared hordes with just that alone and ragdolls the way they simple looked and everything this man is explaining now.

  14. i mean ffs.. when u look at this part in the 2019 gameplay demo.. the zombie models look like what they should have been, like the direct evolution of DL, out of the same universe.. u got it all right bro ..Design and tech/engine texture shader wise.. The whole lighting and overall tone of the game looks like a follow up to DL and how did we end up with what we got now!? WE NEED THESE ZOMBIES BACK WITH ALL THEIR DETAILS https://youtu.be/a2c8etb8rdU?t=531 same story here.. clearly the same art direction https://youtu.be/SpFA_7fdPQI?t=22

  15. I really enjoyed DL2 when it first came out. But looking back a year on it's quite disappointing. It's still solid, it's definitely saveable. Maybe it's nostalgia talking but I can go back and play DL for hours even though I have almost nothing left to do except mess around making my own fun. I can't say the same for the sequel, I like it but something about the whole game feels a bit off and unpolished to me.

  16. I love dying light 1. Been playing since year 1 and have 3 characters all max legend.
    I don't mind 2, it's fun with friends and I like loot, but it sucks in comparison to 1, this is just one way unfortunately.

  17. Sums up my thoughts pretty much. The zombies in the OG Dying Light are much more believable. I dislike everything about their design in DL2, including the flat, chalky textures. There's little to no variation in their faces, only their clothing seems to vary and after a while even that gets stale.

    I haven't been playing since launch, in fact I only got the first game months before DL2's release after watching all those trailers. So I believe I'm coming at this with no nostalgia and a fairly high degree of objectivity when I say, DL1 absolutely nailed the creature design, the artstyle and the physics. I'd even throw in the movement system but that's a different discussion.

    To answer your question, I doubt DL2 will ever be on that level. There's just too much to do that would need a hefty investment of time and resources, and all that just for changing the game's fabric, not adding content. At best, maybe they can tweak the physics based on player feedback, but that's it.

    Great video.

  18. I have over 3000 hours in dying light and only about 80 or 95 hours in dl2. There are a lot of reasons why dl2 doesn't feel good. Physics, the atmosphere, the sound design, the side missions, the infected type and the realism of the zombies, night gameplay. I can go on and on but the point is, I got bored of dl2 after the main story while I still play dying light to this day and replayed the main story and the following dlc 5-7 times

  19. I could argue that the look isn’t completely awful, if they mixed some of the old with the new, I could believe that those new ones are people who’ve been infected since the beginning. With fresher ones signifying they got infected later down the road. Idk, just a thought.

  20. The whole game is copy and paste. If you look at the book quest all 10 steps are literally identical apartments, with the obvious exception of the restaurant and the other building at the end. It's trash compared to DL 1 for many other reasons beyond what was specified here. My biggest gripe personally is the over promise and under deliver in 2018 fast forward to launch it had a small fraction of the features that were promised. And real talk the only reason they're stepping up their game is because now they have real competition finally which is Dead Island 2. And quite frankly Dead Island 2 looks way more polished it still has another month to launch.

  21. I wish I could refund it's been a year of frustrating frustrated frustration. Co op is literally unplayable on ps4 and ps5. 5 minutes tops and you get force close/crash.


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