Odin the SQUIRREL FATHER?? New deck & new screen layout!

I continued my adventures in the Marvel Snap Closed Beta, this time around trying out an “On Reveal” deck featuring Odin and a bunch of token cards, creating giant boards full of buffed cards!

More Marvel Snap Decks
-Pool 1 Decks: https://snap.fan/u/2073/decks/?search=Pool+1&card_def_id=&ability_id=&sort=&sort_dir=
-Pool 2 Decks: https://snap.fan/u/2073/decks/?search=Pool+2&card_def_id&ability_id&sort&sort_dir
-Pool 3 Decks: https://snap.fan/u/2073/decks/?search=Pool+3&card_def_id&ability_id&sort&sort_dir

Find all my Marvel Snap videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK64_at-dChYQN4gmjJWsO1PrqACvveJH


Marvel Snap | Odin the SQUIRREL FATHER?? New deck & new screen layout!


29 thoughts on “Odin the SQUIRREL FATHER?? New deck & new screen layout!”

  1. I like the second layout because i can tell what the locations do and can better tell what is on the board, that being said (and this is of no fault of yours) trying to know/memorize what all the cards do is a bear so something to help with that would be a big help. Hearthstone is good because it displays in hand and when opponents play a card it flashes momentarily on screen. Trump had a little side-panel on one of this recent vids that was helpful that displayed the card as they were played/revealed. Again, that's editing overhead so yeah, understandable if that is not a feasible route to go. Maybe Brode and crew could create an optional streamer mode that always displays text in-game every time that a card is selected/reveal what it does somewhere on screen, or hopefully it already does this on the pc client?

  2. The vertical looks the best, but I really hate not being able to see what locations do. The splits on the second option are a bit awkward, but so much more functional. If the third idea is somewhere in between, it'll probably get my vote.

  3. I hate the layout in the second half of the video personally. Thanks for the videos.

    Edit: just saw that twitch chat liked the new layout and I'm glad other people like it. It's definitely not unwatchable in this format for me. I just dislike it

  4. I'm playing 2 decks similar to this! 1 is just like this with on-reveal gimmicks that blow up on turn 6. Then I have a Guardians of the Galaxy theme deck with Odin where all of their effects are a power up if the opponent played to the same area. It's really fun to gamble with because when you get it right, it's beautiful lol. Especially on turn 6 when you play Odin and the opponent plays to the same area where 3 of my guardians are, now with double power ups 😂

  5. I have no idea what kind of deck I want to run, but I want to play so badly. For now I'll have to be content with yelling at the screen lol. "Don't put it there!" "Snap!" "You'll tie; you're fine!" 😛

  6. I like the vertical layout, though the backdrop just feels a little bright. But it's easier to see everything at a glance in my opinion. And the extra space allows you to add pop up info cards if you decide to go that route.

  7. i may be the only one who prefers the singular layout. i can still see and read the cards and it doesnt split up your hand and the board which makes it feel worse to me personally.

  8. I like the second look because you can see the board clearly but I think the first is better because the second wide view cuts off too much of the cards and other bits

  9. I have yet to find good info on what is in each Battle Pass. You can find the recruiting pass pretty well but not the one after. So maybe a video on that would do well?
    Otherwise I'm really looking forward to "hot location" focused videos.


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