Occupy Mars Colony Builder EA Season 03 Ep 29 Jet engine on the ATV – Also a death machine!!

Today we’ll build the jet engine for the ATV and try not to die…We’ll also head over to The “Alpha Base” (mission control that blew up) and see if we can repair the destroyed Rover for the Achiv. – Don’t forget to subscribe and click the link in the description for our Discord channel to be entered to win a free copy of Occupy Mars!! (link below)

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3 thoughts on “Occupy Mars Colony Builder EA Season 03 Ep 29 Jet engine on the ATV – Also a death machine!!”

  1. I'm only 20 min in and I'm talking to the screen please use the detector to find the composition of the rock before mining it 😉 tool bar #4 on your setup !

  2. 39min engine #5 in inventory, the rocket engine display is only the cooldown for the engine not the fuel as it dose not need fuel as far as I know !


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