NYPD goes HANDS ON to REMOVE Frauditor from Precinct

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49 thoughts on “NYPD goes HANDS ON to REMOVE Frauditor from Precinct”

  1. Like so many frauditors, I don't know whether he's woefully ignorant and being fed bullshit by his peers, or just deliberately misrepresenting things. He's not the only frauditor that mentions it, but he shouts it more frequently than others.

    The Plain View Doctrine has nothing to do with people being able to record anything they can see. Almost the opposite – it allows police to charge people on things that they're able to see, like an open liquor bottle in the cupholder of a car that's been pulled over. They aren't required to get a search warrant in cases like that.

  2. Dracula Dave would stick his head up an elephants ass if he thought it would get him attention from the police or any member of the public so he can then proceed to do his circle jerk passive-aggressive dialogue for his standard boring as hell YouTube content. And he's complaining about a NYPD car being dirty??? Everything in NYC is dirty.

  3. Frauditor troll you are such a fukin joke bro seriously you loke to pick on people and youre using THEIR content for yourself cause you're too much of a pussy to make your own its hysterical so do you wake up with a cops dick in your mouth or do you have to seek them out and ask if you can blow them couldn't hack it as an auditor so you pick on them that's pathetic man at least you used to pick on the ones who were doing it for the wrong reasons now yoi just pick pn all auditors because your sad little insignificant life has no meaning unless yoi can pick on people who are standing up for our rights and making sure cops dont get away with the BS they try to why dont you go make your own content puss boy you aint tough you aint clever and youre honestly just sad

  4. These frauditors are stupid. They say they can record anywhere there eyes can see and that if someone doesn't want something of theirs recorded, that person has to create his own privacy. That is what the TINT is for dummy.

  5. Actually, I'm glad he's not with his kids on Father's Day. All he can do is corrupt them. "Redress my government" is gibberish. One does not "redress the government," unless you want to give the government a cookie or a fig newton or something.

  6. Creepy David probably lost visitation with his kids because he doesn't pay his child support. He has all the time in the world to wander around NYC, annoying the cops, but can't seem to find time to get a job. I hope his "baby mamas" take him to court, and he gets jailed for refusing to pay support. He can "redress his government" from behind bars, and that's one less weirdo on the streets of NYC.
    It's no wonder that he's been taken in as an EDP (Emotionally Disturbed Person) several times already. As soon as the cops start talking to him, they can tell there's something "off" about him. There's definitely something very wrong with him, both mentally and intellectually. Maybe a nice vacation to Bellevue Hospital might help him resolve the issues in his life… unless he's too far gone at this point.

  7. Why R these useless people aloud to exist in our great country , if they don't like the way things are going then, they're free to leave an find themselves a country run they're way

  8. There should be laws against the actions and behaviors of these frauditors! I’m a taxpayer too and these frauditors are interfering with the jobs and functions of police in performing their jobs to which my taxes help to pay for! The actions of frauditors do nothing to inform people of their rights under the 1st Amendment! All they do is antagonize. People hoping for confrontation for their social media accounts! Therefore they should be made to do jail time or community service and fines should be high enough so that any money made on social media wouldn’t be worth the effort!

  9. I am sorry but when I hear them say the Plainview thing that is only for officers. He is not. Got to like how these people do understand or try to Cherry pick to make themselves look like they know what they are talking about.

  10. Idiot thinks he knows chain of command. You ask for a lieutenant when you are of equal rank numbskull. You are a peon, a paramecium brain. Less rank than the gunk and juice at the bottom of a trashcan, at least some form of life is created there.

  11. Another idiot who knows no laws. Plain view doctrine give him no rights to look into a police car. It gives the officer the right to arrest him if he would drive with illegal items in the back seat.
    Officers tell him to not record inside the car and he argues like a child.

  12. Creepy davie needs to look up what the Plain View Doctrine actually is, and who it pertains too! Soooooo he was either using a body cam or his cheap phone cam. I don't understand when these frauditors state they want to redress their government, and not go to the city council meetings, county commissioner meetings to redress "the government" and spew out their grievance's with someone who isn't the police. His babies momma probably threw his ass out and lives with his mother.


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