NYC is Under Water

Music –
many thanks to Hunter for the help making


40 thoughts on “NYC is Under Water”

  1. [الغضب] : يؤثر على الأعصاب .

    [الخوف] : يؤثر على نبضات القلب .

    [الحرمان والفقد] : يولد الإكتئاب

    كل شخص لديه قصة حزن بداخله .

    وشخص تعب من التضحية دون نتائج .

    وشخص يبكي كل يوم على أشخاص رحلوا من الدنيا .

    وشخص يعاني من الغربة حتى وهو بين أهله وعشيرته .

    وأشخاص يقرأون هذا الكلام ليجدوا أنفسهم .. في بعض السطور .

    هي الدنيا .. ولهذا سميت دنيا .

    فقط خذ نفسا عميقا وقل

    " الحمد لله "

    فالقادم أفضل بإذن الله .

    لاتصدق بأن أحدا لا ينقصه شيء .. تأكد بأن الحياة تأخذ من الجميع .

    لا سعيد إلا من أسعده الله..

    فالله هو الذي أضحك وأبكى

    وهو الذي أسعد وأشقى

    وهو الذي أغنى وأقنى .

    لا سعيد إلا من أسعده الله..

    فالسعادة : ليست بالزواج.. ولا بالأولاد… ولا بالأصدقاء..ولا بالسفر.. ولا بالشهادات.. ولا بالماركات… ولا بالمناصب..وﻻ بالرفاهية.. ولا بالبيوت.. .

    السعادة : كل السعادة في إتصالك بالله.

    درب نفسك على كثرة طرقِ باب الله..

    حتى يبقى الحبل ممدودا بينك وبين الله .

    الإسلام هو الذي ..

    ضَبط صوتك فقال (وَاغْضُضْ مِنْ صَوْتِكَ)

    وضبط مشيتك فقال (وَلَا تَمْشِ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَرَحًا)

    وضبط نظرتك فقال (وَلَا تَمُدَّنَّ عَيْنَيْكَ)

    وضبط سمعك فقال (وَلَا تَجَسَّسُوا)

    وضبط طعامك فقال (وَلَا تُسْرِفُوا)

    وضبط ألفاظك فقال (وَقُولُوا لِلنَّاسِ حُسْنًا)

    فالإسلام كفيل أن يضبط حياتك ويحقق لك حياة السعداء!

    هذه هي السعادة الحقيقية 👌❤

    أسعد الله اوقاتكم 😊🙋👇👇

    "لايك واشتراك في قناتي"


  2. The only time I've seen Casey ride on nyc's CitiBikes… expect from the video where he done a rating on the worst possible ways to travel around New York, which I thought would be his ever last time riding on one, especially from his shit rating on them. 🤣🤣

  3. Hey Casey I've been watching and admiring your talent for a long time now. I believe I've been called by God to pick up a camera and film short movies. I have a passion to create. However, I'm trying to find someone who would be interested in donating a camera or any filming equipment. I'm homeless in recovery living in my birthplace of Little Rock AR. I believe whatever is meant for me to have in life will come to me but it helps if I open my mouth about whatever that thing may be. Much peace and I wish all of New York a mighty quick restoration process. Thanks ahead of time for reading this posted comment to all who have. Be blessed ❤

  4. This was a great report to watch of the flooding. You do amazing filming, audio, camera work. Love you cuts. If I could have an internship with you, I'd be thrilled! I will just have to start watching more of your stuff- you are incredibly talented. Thank you for what you do!

  5. "The Manhattan Project": In the Tuskegee Project the government doctor said, "We needed a control group," as if he was being attacked by an angry mob and he needed to control them and protect himself. Die! It's a kinder and gentler Country, as defined by New York City, in which the Court decision was that there are so many great people in NYC proper; not affected by the neuroleptics, that we can continue from Connecticut. Another thing we can infer is that some white collar problems were eliminated confidentially by the World Trade Center disaster. thank you very much. There is a corridor many people take from their communities in New Jersey and Connecticut; much different from Upper State New York, and New Jersey and Connecticut have a surplus of mental health workers and analysts for the missing pieces in your case. Wait a second, how did these healthy people get here? So you see, the white collar workers didn't have much to do during the Manhattan Project, but they were still complaining. Give me a break, squirrels have been around for a billion years and my printer has been here for a little while, and it's blinking and I held the button down for a long time and it continues to blink. When I wake up in the morning, my female squirrel knows I got the message that she lives under the back porch because I feed her on the adjacent fire escape. It's more perfect than the printer stand; it dead-ends because they don't use the door, because it's a group home and everyone works on their physical fitness inside. The squirrel finds this to be endearing, but they want to express themselves, so the male chewed on the door broom ends, as if to say you humans are inexact and he left four pizza bites, which I hadn't ever see before, so I knew he wants to go inside and he'll starve to death if necessary. Now which do you think is a worse problem, I could just send the printer back with an address to RYONGSONG (does anybody get this KIM JONG UN has the wrong song)? I tried different things and I'm frustrated. Margie took my slicer blade from the food processor so I make salad by hand. She was jealous. Ultimately, the squirrel doesn't think I'm quick enough for her purposes, and the elephant asked if it's a neuromuscular disease that is painful because I do make some effort to be normal. The male squirrel acted like I caught it when I went outside, so it had a plan to get the female food, and also the men underground invited the female under the porch. I'll look on the Internet for a printer fixing service. How is our economy sound based on services, there's no infrastructure, it was built by colored people, but sometimes they put up a barricade. They didn't on Connolly Parkway and it took years. The squirrels are very neat and dainty, not like any other animal. Once they made a pile of nut shells. Because of the encroachment, they are polite to humans so they can receive something in return. They need a lot of space. You would think someone would put a gerbil bottle around a tree, but they don't have trouble drinking from the plastic water jugs under a drainpipe. Peanut butter attracts all wildlife, while peanuts send them to seventh heaven, and they can find them in the grass. I'm working on how to incorporate fat, because rice takes the longest to cook and it's very delicious if you have the time to boil the fat into it, so did the Asians adapt to get that much nutrition? It was common in Mexico, but where are these rice farms? Today. I'm putting pieces of pork shoulder to fry half the day, and then I'll have fat to make potatoes. With this much fat, I can spread it on crackers for the squirrels, and I heard they tried my Crisco and sugar idea, but WE ARE PEOPLE TOO WHO MAKE A PROMISE TO SERVE, AND I SAID I WOULD COLLECT THE COOKING GREASE. I eat it myself, because if you can convert to fat you feel better and you might lose weight. In a fast food restaurant, there are rules, so you feel the people are serving you back, but people don't understand the entire purpose of men serving different from men at work. WELL, LOS ALAMOS CARRIED THE DAY, MAKING IT POSSIBLE TO HAVE THE GENIUS INMATES AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOU FOR NOTHING. WHAT A CRIME. IT STARTED WITH ADOPT-A-PLATOON, AND WE WERE TRYING DIFFERENT WAYS TO GET NUTRITION TO THE UKRAINIANS AND THE NORTH VIETNAMESE, AND I HAD A BOY ORIGINALLY FROM MASSACHUSETTS WHO WANTED PEPPERMINT CANDY, SO I DON'T KNOW HOW HE USED "CANDY" AND "CANDIES" to corrupt the algorithm, but there are too many responsibilities for the average person to think it's part of their job to counter anyone who has a different adversarial argument. I can't take it anymore.
    I had no idea that all of this was happening in New York. Where I grew up, if I went to someone else's palace for babysitting, and it was all new, then I realize that's not sustainable but I think those are good people. So I wanted to work somewhere else and I was SO insulted that I never understood they gave me so much medical treatment that I would be Pee Wee and they would say it's not advisable (FOR THEM) to have me working. The therapeutic value of working is thus undermined, especially for your legal argument to start pulling some weight in your home (castle.)


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