Nvidia's GT210 Story…The Card That Everyone Hates!

Hello everyone and welcome to another Budget Builds Episode where today I am finally going to take a look at the frankly awful GT210, but that wasnt always the case originally released as a display adapter just for media acceleration and basic gaming…So what happened, join me for benchmarks and more in the GT210 Story.

Intro – 0:00
So what is the GT210 – 0:21
History of the GT210 Continued- 1:40
The Specs – 3:57
Benchmark Start – 5:40
CSGO (240p – Lowest) – 5:41
Skyrim (480p-ish – Lowest) – 6:32
GMod (1024×768 – Low, No Shadows, No Details) – 7:29
Fable:TLC (720p Low) – 8:25
GTA V (480p Low, No Shadows, No Reflections) – 9:04
M&B Warband (720p Low, DirectX7 Mode) – 9:55
Stardew Crashey (Windows Desktop Momentl) – 10:32
Minecraft (720p – Fast with Optifine) – 11:00
Emulation, Video Testing, and Just General Misery – 11:46
Conclusion – 13:26

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CPU: Ryzen R7 3700X
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GT210 (3 of them, one was a GT310…How fancy)
OS: Windows 10

#gt210 #nvidia


29 thoughts on “Nvidia's GT210 Story…The Card That Everyone Hates!”

  1. A few years ago a friend of mine asked for a new graphics card for his birthday (he was playing with integrated graphics on whatever cheep second hand CPU he was using). Long story short his parents bought him a brand new 210 from amazon. When installed in his PC it ran at about half the proformace of his integrated graphics and for fear of his parents being upset we spent about 20 minutes in the bios/random windows settings to disable the card so he didn't have to remove it. The card may be designed to be a display adapter but it is not marketed as such misleading non tech-savy people (such as my friends parents).

  2. I did have a Asus EN 210 silent which was a 1 GB DDR3 version of this card. I remember it being really bad but I did get 125 fps on CoD4. That's all I needed back then anyway xD

  3. I think the GF108 based GT 730 easily bests the 210 as the most loathsome turd Nvidia ever crapped on to the market. Literally a GT 630 renamed, which itself was a horrible upclocked rehash of the GT 430. All three were GF108 Fermi 1.0, with 96 shader cores, and the same arrangement of TMUs and ROPs. But the GT 730 (and really the 630 also) are pure garbage for being Fermi 1.0 cards masquerading as Kepler products.

    Where the 210, and even the 430, were at least what they appeared to be, the 630 and 730 were actually fraudulent. People thought, based on the numbering scheme, they were getting Kepler hardware, even if low-end but, instead, they were buying the same 40nm Fermi 1.0 GF108 that was soldered on the GT430 in 2010. It was slow and power inefficient in 2010 as the 430, but by 2014 it was borderline criminal that Nvidia was selling it as the “730”.

  4. GT210 is a completely capable card if you choose it's tasks right. Friend of mine couple of years ago had his GPU died, and he bought a brand new GT210 instead, works fine still.
    He only uses his computer for basic internet tasks and sometimes watching movies.

  5. I bought a BFG (remember those guys?) GTX 280 launch week in 2008. $650, which now is about $900. It was a brilliant card, but even at the time it was considered completely overkill and most didn't buy it. I kept it around a LONG time, but frankly, it's 1gb vram, performance, and DX10 limitations means it aged horribly.
    So I cannot even fathom living with a GT210. I mean I have to assume even my Intel 2600K I got in 2011 would equal this thing in GPU and decoding power.

  6. Asrock has socket 775 board with both pcie and agp (it's pretty rare and sought after by retro nuts) But It would be cool to install windows XP and try the old 3dmarks and see if a 2002 flagship Radeon 9800 pro agp can best the 210 haha

  7. well back in 2013 i really had no money of my own so i had to put up with the pc my uncle gifted me. the said pc was wielding a point of view g210 1gb and it was awful like a real nightmare. but still, i played saints row 3 gta 5 assassins creed up to black flag and nfs mw 2012 all in 800*600 low settings. no matter which game, it always had below 30 fps output.

  8. Used to use one of these cards circa 2016 back then it terrible but it was better than onboard graphics i got it out a few days ago to mess around with and it cant even support as 720p youtube video then shortly after that it died

  9. Had 50 new, in-box manli 210s appear at work not long ago and nobody seemed to know why. They ended up getting scrapped since they didn't seem worth reselling. Now, knowing the history of the card and it's strange prevalance long past it's release I guess it makes a bit more sense.

  10. This is my first GPU. I used it with 2.8GHz Pentium Dual-Core and 2GB of DDR2 RAM for World of Tanks, CS:GO (when I upgraded RAM to 4GB) and similar online games, as well as some old Total War games like Rome or Medieval 2.

  11. I would like this video much more if you showed at least one example of older game where this card runs just fine on highest details and resolution to indicate this card is not just slow because it is slow but that it was slow for the time it came out and got even slower over the long time it was sold and by presenting newer and more demanding games go down with the details. I mean it would make more sense and would be more informative than randomly throwing bunch of games (or mods to games like GMod and making it look much worse than Half-Life 2 looked while using much more powerful GPU than what people used to play this game when it came out with highest details!) at it and obsessing on how slow it is. Performance-wise GeForce 210 is at GeForce 6800 performance levels, even for 64-bit variants. 128-bit variant is almost at GeForce 7900GT performance level. And sure, this level got pretty terrible by the time 210 came out because GPU performance was skyrocketing at that time but still. If I didn't know single thing about graphic cards I would take from this video that this card is universally slow, worst that there is or could possibly be and this is simply not true. By the way, 210 is pretty much the same card as GeForce 8500GT, just with smaller process node and slightly faster clocks. 8500GT was a bit faster than most of the previous generation middle-end. I used to own 7300GT when it came out and I didn't play single game on low details. Actually never played any game on low details because it was always pretty stupid. What is the point of reducing texture size for card with 512MB or 1GB RAM? That is why I do not like this video, you decreased details to make a point and the point didn't require you to make this card look worse than it actually was.


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