Not something you get to do every day!

A flight in an iconic aircraft and a bad weather circuit at Lee on Solent.

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29 thoughts on “Not something you get to do every day!”

  1. Quite surprised how unenthusiastic you sounded and not at all excited. I would have asked for more hands on time, as it is a once in a life time experience that you should never forget. I flew in a Spitfire in 1987 and have never forgotten it. I knew it was the only time it would happen, so had planned beforehand, not to just hold the stick straight but to really wing it around. We did some aero’s and he talked me through doing some myself. The whole sound, smell, aura and nostalgia is what makes the experience.

  2. I would have been cock-a-hoop! What a magical thing to have done. I hope your memories of it come back without the concerns you had on the day, it would be a shame if not. That's a history-changing, world famous piece of machinery that most of us pilots would give our right arm to have a go in. Thanks for the video and thank you to the Spitfire owners for taking you up!

  3. You have more jam than Hartleys Jon! As you say, a very kind gift, but you obviously impressed your customer! Doing the Spitfire trip is one of my bucket list items & I'm hoping to achieve it this summer/autumn if I can. Also a nice thing to see Daedalus airport, as that's another place I'd like to visit.

  4. An amazing experience of which I am very jealous, but what a shame that it didnt seem to be a winner for you. Still, not every experience is for everyone! Good of you to share the flight nonetheless.

  5. I would absolutely love to get the opportunity to go flying in a spitfire, but that said I'd love to go flying in a light aircraft like you fly as well, I love being up in the air.
    Only flying I've been able to afford to do is hang gliding and then convert to powered hang gliding, still foot launched, I haven't done this now for around 15 years, although I still have all my kit.
    I really hope one day I will get the opportunity to fly again, but for now it's vr flight simulation and YouTube videos of flying.
    Thanks for sharing

  6. Jon, great little video. I've flown a little of the south coast having been previously based at Old Sarum and Popham. So great to see a smooth early flight over to Lee. I think the skimming light clouds really emphasises being airborne and the speed of flight. Well captured there. As for the Spitfire flight, I know the feeling of imposter syndrome, sometimes even when you have worked for it, you may not feel worthy. I've flown a few unusual types on experiences (often gifts too!) on open cockpit gyrocopter, Tiger Moth and a certain blue and yellow Harvard…. All well worth the experience, but not easy to discuss, especially at the time or immediately afterwards. Sometimes you need processing time to really appreciate the experience. It's similar to initial flight training, sometimes you are just soaking it all in.

  7. Wonderful to see the spitfire, my wife bought me a flight last year. Do know that unworthy feeling, still love it though and was grinning for months! As for low and slow, hence the reason I fly a SSDR microlight… loads of fun, best bang for your buck and most of all great community

  8. Hi Jon, As you self-noted, you didn't look or sound especially excited to be the Spit, and although you mused on a few factors, I suspect it was just one of those days we all have sometimes where our mojo slips down a notch or two, or possibly the fumes dampened your enthusiasm? It also wasn't clear where you flew from (Biggin or Solent?) – but I guess it was Solent given the Arrow content in the clip. In 2022 I came over from Australia to fly in a Mk IX Spitfire from Goodwood. It was truly a highlight of my flying experience. Because I hold an ICAO endorsed PPL, the instructor re-labelled the flight as a TIF and I logged 1 hour dual, taking the controls just after take-off, and periodically during the flight to practice aeros. (No landings for obvious reasons.) As others have said, the mighty roar of the Merlin, and sheer sensitivity and maneuverability are beyond compare. I do agree that I should have done more prep and/or asked for a longer pre-flight briefing – I was totally behind the machine the whole time. After landing I remembered all the things I wanted to ask about and try – but 'wasted' much of the time flying it like a Cessna driver! Ah well, we now have bragging rights at the club bar…

  9. John, you are a sensitive soul. You should really care less about what people think of you. I see these Spitfires go up with passengers every week and I never think “they must be rich”. Just enjoy your flying, and don’t worry about what people think.

  10. I did this from Biggin back in 2016 , my pilot was an ex Fleet Air Arm Sea Harrier pilot who had also flown the Fairey Firefly and Sea Fury with the RNHF .
    It was an unforgettable experience!

  11. Of all the amazing vids you've made Jon, when I realised you'd flown in a Spitfire I was really looking forward to this one… as it's at the top of my to-do list!! 🤷🏼‍♂ 
    Another great watch! 👌🏻

  12. You looked quite frazzled at the end of the flight I thought.. I suspect it was a much more overwhelming experience that you were able to articulate at the time. Great video, thank you.


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