Norovirus cases spike in both kids and adults

The CDC flagged stunning surges in multiple debilitating stomach bugs, namely norovirus. The rate of tests coming back positive has nearly doubled since January. NBC News’ Maggie Vespa has more details on the ultra-contagious virus clobbering kids and adults.

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33 thoughts on “Norovirus cases spike in both kids and adults”

  1. ah wow i remember getting that over half my life ago when i was 13.
    i legitimately found out by waking up surrounded by over an inch of puke from my neck to my thighs.
    still not entirely sure how i didn't wake up or choke doing that…

  2. People are so filthy, just wash your hands, if youre sick. Some people get sick and think the world is still theirs to sneeze, spit, and touch on. When I get sick I make sure not to be around the kids in my family and I always make sure I wash my hands before touching anything else people touch and I keep my distance. They're the type to get bitten in a zombie movie and not say anything.

  3. I remember one day last yr I had just finished eating and not soon after that I had this curl up in a ball cramping in my stomach I didn't vomit but I was on the toilet all day for 3 days straight I thought it was something I ate but when I went to the store to get something to coat my stomach this lady said it's a stomach virus going around maybe it was one of those I don't know

  4. That’s why wherever I go, I’m wearing a mask and I don’t care what anyone says. One guy got so mad at me and asked me to take my mask off bc he’s tired of people covering their faces, and I responded, “That sounds like a personal problem and it has nothing to do with me. I don’t know you at all and no, I’m not taking my mask off for you.” Like, go away you peasant! I noticed that some people who don’t wear masks can be very sickening to the people who wear them, like, who are you??? Let people do what they want. If you want to keep getting sick, that’s on you, but I’m going to keep doing what I need to do to be safe for MYSELF AND MY FAMILY.

  5. Paranoia strikes deep and into your life it will creep as it starts when your always afraid so put those pharmaceuticals deep into your veins or the man will come and take you away.

  6. I had all these symptoms back in December 2020 and I was told it was colitis, then I was told another sickness and finally they said I had chrons disease. Told me to do this injection in my stomach twice a month but I refused cuz of the side effects being so deadly. I moved across the country and had a 2nd colonoscopy and I've been chrons disease free since October 2021. I pray that everyone dealing with these issues can fully recover. God Bless you all. 🙏🏻

  7. Open borders with sick people marching in, giant balloons dispersing biohazards across America, trains derailing and dumping deadly chemicals into our water supply. Only on Joes watch.

  8. No one is going to be held accountable for 2020. Just like Iraq or Libya for that matter. And this is "the freest country and democracy" that has the audacity to call others corrupt. Let that sink in a little.

  9. Doctor's scientist and researcher's should be ashamed of them self's not finding any cure for any thing even though we know it's exist more than a thousand years of medicine history and not yet to be found it's impossible to believe

  10. I can't afford to call in but I've been sick and I had to. I'm not gonna risk getting others sick especially since I'm a server. Also most of my co workers were sick and still came in. That's how I got it.


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