Norn-Queen's And The Monstrous Way In Which A Tyranid Army Is Birthed! Warhammer 40k Lore

You all had better be really damn grateful there is no official art for this! As i imagine weaponized mass factorial berthing via ship sized monster orifice would start a new apocalypse if ever uploaded to YouTube…

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38 thoughts on “Norn-Queen's And The Monstrous Way In Which A Tyranid Army Is Birthed! Warhammer 40k Lore”

  1. Well since starcraft was supposed to be well warhammer strategy back in the days i am very Fond of the idea that the Nord queen simply births lavae.

    In turn that larvae is dumped into breeding pods that get filled wirh biomatter.

    Depending on the mass you put into it you get your tyranid.

    For Titans i think they wont be stored but super vat grown while dropped.

    If you just have to speed up the gestation period you really only need biomatter.

  2. I really would love to see darkspawn vs tyrranids as that would be fascinating. An entire swarm of tyrranids trying to invade a planet full of only the various types of darkspawn, and archdemons. Not to mention the darkspawns corrupting blood, and touch.

  3. Arch didn't even mention the biodiversity and adaptability of the Tyranid creatures. That would mean that not only would you be facing a staggeringly huge number of creatures being created each day, but each new wave would be tailored to face the conditions they were faced with.
    If you encounter an invasion and respond by fielding large numbers of heavy armoured units, the Norns will start producing creatures literally designed to counter that threat. On the other hand, if you use fast and highly mobile units or air support, then the new armies will instead be fielding rapid fire weaponry and flying creatures of their own.

  4. Some key points regarding tyranid gestation that you seem to have missed.
    Tyranid organisms are not born as individuals directly from the queens. All tyranid organisms are born from cysts or eggs that are birthed by the queens. For comparison an ant queen can birth up to 1 egg every 20s. In case of a tyranid those eggs can contain dozens or hundreds of individuals that are all clones of each other. A ghaunt cyst might contain several dozen gaunts per egg while a carnifex cyst likely only contains 1. Those very same cysts are also used as drop pods by the tyranid hive and delivered straight onto a planets surface where the organisms then hatch just in time. After being excreted from a norn queen the cysts are stored inside the tyranid bioships in suspended animation meaning they cost virtually no biomass to maintain until they are needed. An umbilical feeding tentacle is attached to them and can rapidly pump biomass inside the cyst to facilitate rapid growth and maturation of the inhabitants. This can take as little as a few hours to a few days depending on the size of the creatures. Ghaunts can possibly reach maturity in less than 24h. This process is also not nearly as energy or biomass intensive as you imagine. Another example here in Terra for this would be shrimp. Shrimp farms are incredible biomass conversion facilities where 100kg of shrimp food is converted into 95kg of live shrimp over the course of just a few days. Tyranids are likely even more efficient given that literally ever morsel of biomass is recycled and there is no waste whatsoever. On top of that tyranids do make use of solar radiation as a form of energy whenever possible givig them another boost to their gestation speed as norn queen carrying ships are often found drifting close to the systems sun both for concealment and likely to absorb radiation to speed up chemical reactions and convert radiation energy into biological processes.
    While in transit hive ships are virtually empty except for a skeleton crew of tyranid organisms acting as antibodies and maintainance organisms as nearly all processes needed for the production of new tyranids are entirely automated which only adds to the efficiency of the hive fleets. The truly scary thing about the tyranids isn't the vast amount of organisms they carry or can produce rapidly but how little they waste! Warfare for most species is insanely wasteful and energy intensive from the extraction of ressources to the expenditure of assets on the battlefields because most species rely on physical or chemical processes to do so. Tyranids do everything biologically which is orders of magnitude more efficient. Just to give a little perspective from my own field of study here, in biology when we synthesize various proteins or DNA strands etc we make extensive use it tailor made enzymes, rna building blocks, protein assemblers and the likes that reach conversion rates of up to 90% and higher in our experimental reactions. A chemist would be overjoyed to reach as little as 60% reaction efficiency while a physicist is often condemned to less than 30% reaction efficiency.

    As for your questions regarding the use of plenary ressources such as metals and fossil fuels : yes tyranids absolutely do make use of them as well as a planets atmospheric gasses and liquids of all forms. Ripper swarms burrow deep into a planets crust and eat away mineral rich deposits and metals of all kinds that are useful for producing hard carpaces or sturdy exoskeletons.

  5. Sounds like the only way you’re ever going to stop the Tyrinids Cole is to basically fight them like you with the flood. Now there’s an idea put the flood against the tyrinds

  6. I feel that you didn’t have to discuss this with such a sophomoric tone. This could just as easily been discussed like a termite, ant or bee hive … the egg laying process can be sanitized for sci-fi discussion.

  7. The teleportation Tyranid being a worm makes me think you're thinking of the Tyranid that's a literal giant worm that's used to create tunnels that the swarm can pop out of behind walls.
    Okay so I looked it up and yeah they are a thing however they can only exist inside of Tyranid structures and ships and are only used to move Tyranids around said structure, according to what I read basically the worm's body creates a safe tunnel from one or more points around the structure to allow rapid movement around the structure.

  8. I like the idea the zerg larva method is how the teranid reproduce. The queen produces larva that then forms an embrio around it being fead nutrients by the queen threw detachable umbilical. So if need the "egg" can be moved and maintained by another bioorganisum.

  9. I very much hope someday, there'll be a model of a Norn Queen, or at least a Tyranid Dominatrix. The Imperials are getting their Primarchs back, the Tyranids need to step it up a bit on their end. I have heard rumours of an improved version of the Swarmlord to match the Primarchs, but time will tell.

  10. I have been listening to your lore vids on repeat for years while I plow snow off runways for years now! Keep up the awesome work Arch you are the only lore channel that I enjoy anymore.

  11. For some reason I always thought that Tyranids are spawned from some forth of spawning pools lizardmen like. Also how are tyranid ships made? Werent there instances where hive fleet was butchered with just couple of ships escaping but then those ships go for some unprotected planet and basically replenish and reform the fleet?


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