Nordstream Pipeline: Mr. T. to the Rescue?

The hot topic today is the man-made leaks in the Nordstream Pipeline. The Universe was asked if Mr. T.’s offer to help negotiate a deal and avoid cataclysm would be accepted, even if only behind the scenes, plus other information the Universe chose to share.
Published 09/29/2022


48 thoughts on “Nordstream Pipeline: Mr. T. to the Rescue?”

  1. ThankQ so much for sharing. I especially appreciate that you address the Fake46 accordingly. The black hats are using a clone and the white hats are using an actor. It’s amazing to me that people actually believe in this fake 46 regime or that it actually has any power.💕🧚‍♀️💕🧚‍♀️💕🧚‍♀️💕🧚‍♀️

  2. 💕Thank you Dearheart 💕
    Wonderful read..what a brilliant move by Mr T…the Wisdom along with the Offer…which should it be declined..Will cast a spotlight on who really has the World's best interest at Heart…❤

    Laura…Again..Thank you…💕
    Take-care-O-Sel… hope your settling in and coping with missing your fur babies and what was Home.. it takes time.. sending you a tight squeezy (HUG)..O… Love ❤X

  3. I’m fairly new to your channel Laura. I really appreciate your read8mg and view. Your diligence, common sense and positive outlook is very refreshing. Dave at x22 has the same view as you. I totally agree. Thank you for all your work and contributions 🐸💝😇 blessings to those in the path including USA and eastern Canada ❤

  4. Love the way you read tarot. I've been reading them since I was very young but have times I need to take a few minutes to channel in. If people complain it's because they don't know tarot or have intuitive skills. Love this reading…glad Mr. T and the Alliance are involved

  5. Dear Laura, I just watched your vid from March about the quantum financial system. My bank/credit union sent me a letter last week saying that from today, Sept 29 until Oct 3rd, they will be closed and introducing a new computer system… atms won't wk, so have cash on hand… it's habbening !!

  6. Laura, A.I. has nothing on you! Love watching your well thought out readings and succinct interpretations! I think about your kitties a lot too. I'd be going crazy missing mine. I hope your kitty caregiver sends you videos from time to time. Ours did and we were only gone a week! It's very comforting.

  7. Laura, it would be interesting to ask the cards if in fact what the MSM is spinning is what actually happened. Is it possible that the promoted storyline is a white hat cover for damage being done to some other operation that might have been going on way down under the sea… to take out something nefarious?

  8. Hey Lady! Another perfect reading for me! A letter of the alphabet said once.."these people are stoopyd!" They really think the world is gunna blame beautiful (roll the tongue here) Rrrrrrrushah?!! But it's gunna backfyre big time! Our beloved forty5 and benevolent beings will handle this as usual! I believe, since we are going into a galactic, beautiful Accession phase for mankind, and Earth. Oil, gas, old ways will no longer be needed. Most things obsolete to what magical future is heading our way fast! EXCEPT LOVE! OUR Creator is moving, we need to be grooving, and NO FEARING🎉🥰 Much Love Vibes to all WW! Every1, take a moment and send out universal hugs!😍 What a time to be alive, and WE WILL see and be in it for sure Lady!
    After all, Loving Elders are always needed🤗

  9. The msm is distracting us from the financial system that has already collapse but is yet to be made public. So the tower moment is when the collapse is shown in the financial markets.

  10. Yes prayers for those who are affected by the storms worldwide love and light for all. I think the chaos is to distract us all from the Financial Recovery and Stabilization that's in play – NESARA / GESARA is here and soon the public will know the truths. This will be the greatest transfer of wealth ever.

  11. Thank you Laura…..interesting UK MSM today stating that if "Putin can take down the oil pipeline"…the next thing he could do is cut the internet to the West… retribution for claiming he did it.
    Mmmmm……could that then be the indication of the 10 day blackout….plus. EBS and military…..🤔?

  12. I’m glad you read on this. Phil G confirmed it had to do with taking out a DUMB on his rapid fire. Also SG Anon did some digging and found the capitalized word SABOTAGE in a post on the 17 page. Things are happening!! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!!🙋🏽‍♀️💕


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