Nobody Understands Power Scaling

Hi. I’m Nemesis Bloodryche, I make a lot of videos, some of which are related to Power Scaling and VS Debating. People love to make assumptions about the community dedicated to such things, to make fun of us and harass us using the words of a dead man as a tool to attack others.

Please, stop doing this.

This community has a lot of problems, none of them are directly related to the innate elements of the hobby.

If this ends up starting major drama I’m going to scream. And probably take the video down to avoid letting it be used as a weapon for people to attack each other.

Also here’s like, my patreon if you wanna look at that:


29 thoughts on “Nobody Understands Power Scaling”

  1. Plenty of people have good points to make and I understand that there is definitely something to be said about how arbitrary it is which laws of physics do or don't get followed in this hobby. But can we maybe stop the just, ridiculous amount of slurs I've had to delete comments over?

    This hobby is just fun and shit, intense heated arguing over this stuff and whether people are inherently bad for enjoying it is pushing the line on what's ok, but slurs? Really lads?

    here are the tracks
    Trapped in Despair

    Birth by Exile

    Blackout Action

    Unforgiving Justice

    Fear the Worst

    Hope For Sin


    Invitation to Pyroland

    A Destined Fantasy

    The World Rings Out

  2. and also people don't know the total power over the transcendence of rules which is the power to remake the character to be perfectly within a limit of rules but most of the notions among people with the type of knowledge are terrible and not distinct and I believe that rule transcendence is the power that suits this character perfectly.

  3. ive come to resent power scaling for a lot of reasons. but I can appreciate that it's a hobby, analyzing the media is fun in so many ways. I think what the problem is when someone is trying to enjoy a narrative or certain characters only to have someone come at you just because "x is a fraud" or "y is a bad/good character because he's weak/strong" completely ignoring how good their writing is. it's just a difference in what you care about in a piece of media clashing and I feel that's why these two camps fight so much

  4. The personal issues I have with power scaling is these.

    1. The feats of a lot of characters (like Goku or Superman) are so huge that I’m not sure how you can even compare them (granted, I may be showing that I suck at math).

    2. I personally find the context behind a fight more interesting as you acknowledge, because that kind of thing can heavily affect a fight in my opinion, and because I’m someone who cares about character interactions a lot (it’s half the reason I watch death battle). The DBs most recent Scooby VS Courage is a perfect example of this. As for the context part. Things like the environment can easily have an effect on fights as well.

    To be clear, I’m not trying to say VS debating is pointless, I’m just saying that’s why I personally don’t care for power scaling, and would love to hear counter arguments.

  5. legit, stan lee is so delusional that he thinks powerscaling goes like this

    "can kid sasuke beat ultra instinct goku?"
    "yeah but i like kid sasuke more so he's now omnipotent and beats goku"

    like bro we're not writers, we're monkeys who see and do 💀

  6. This character has mach 100000000000000 speed. Like bruh what tf are you talking about? There's literally no way for you to calculate that.

    Goku is above causality…. ummm bruh if Zeno can just delete him then no, no tf he isn't beyond causality.
    People just say words with no understanding of what they mean.

  7. I just want to say that getting into powerscaling made me appreciate one of my favorite series (Megami Tensei) even more because I had to dive deep into the lore to have a better understanding of the stories and themes, as well as its inspirations. So yeah, it's given me a new appreciation that is not just limited to "who is stronger" or "big numbers"

  8. There is such a thing as bad writing. If character A is always nice then randomly, for no reason is extremely mean with no set up or explaination then that is incorrect that the writer wrote that. This applies to powerscaling too. If I write a story about normal humans, then one of them randomly picks up a building, I can write that, but it would be bad and should be ignored or taken into consideration that this might not be accurate

  9. A lot of people still don't understand what powerscaling is for.

    An example i like using is RPGs. Imagine you're playing a game where your stats get randomized in every fight, no matter what you're fighting. You can defeat a dragon easily but then a wolf comes along and one shots you for no reason. It's a normal wolf and your stats changed with no reason for it.

    This is what a story with no powerscaling looks like. But if you got a story debuff and there's a reason why your stats became randomized then it's a unique part of the story and it's a cool thing.

  10. I am a not power scaler.

    but like you said, I understand that this is a hobby, and wanted to understand what was the process, or what peoples could seek in this.
    because my experience so far, as being peoples being obnoxious about it, because they want they fav characters to win so much to the point when the idea of power scaling would tend to trigger a flag that the discussion is going to be downhill from there.

    the fact that a ton of context is implicit definitively didn't helped me understood it. since well, I am non-iniated, so I never learned all the "codes" and "standard" to a power scaling discussion. if I came across a power-scaling debate, I would certainly appreciate that peoples would be more explicite about those, cause I think that part didn't helped my experience of it.

    so, thanks for explaining what it is for a non initiated. and demonstrate that my experience so far as being far from being the general environement of a power scaling debate.
    it's not going to be my hobbie, this didn't sparked my interest, but it certainly help my own understanding of what going on in this part of the communities I interact with.

    so thanks!

  11. Sad it took me too long to find this video to watch it. I love VS debates. The recent Scooby Doo VS Courage DB was fantastic and a love letter to both characters.

    Heck, VS debating is actually a factor that has inspired me in my OWN writing. My current main character, Kadura Fissure. recently fused with her sister in a comic and was able to cause internal bleeding to a being with immortality on their side. A feat that is VERY impressive and i would GUSH to one day see that very feat talked about in a DB video, But i digress. ^^;

    But continuing on the topic. Kadura is still growing and one day she will be a character with a lot of impressive AF feats of power, But without her being boring and perfect either. I've been inspired by so many pieces of media and want my characters to be designed with a sense of "Variation in personality and abilities> the typical character typing system, (side, Background, Main etc)"

    Basically my own concept i keep in mind is NEVER make a character completely useless in a situation. I avoid the Yamcha effect of abandoning old characters entirely. This hopefully would also benefit the VS community by having all the character feats being scaled in a balanced and enjoyable way. While Kadura is the most powerful amongst her peers, Even her least powerful friends can still assist in even the toughest fights.

    But yeah. while i'm a very nsfw writer. I mainly focus on the action and story side of my world, So if you can get passed the adult aspects of my comics on DA, I genuinely think anyone can enjoy my work when i give it my all and i absolutely love to see people enjoying it. I strive to be as good a writer as i can and hope one day i can leave a mark, even if small on the world with a franchise all my own.

    But yeah. heh. great video all around. Like i said, i love VS Debating and see it as an inspiration to make my characters feel like ones people may one day enjoy debating about as well.
    If i were to currently think of a good matchup? Probably Deku.
    Both being people whos most impressive abilities came from an outside force, Both going to a Hero Academy (btw. My own comics in a way predate My Hero which is something i just find kinda cool. lol) Both are very powerful and have a similar sense of justice, while also sharing a lot of similar flaws.
    Of course, like i said. Kadura has a LONG road left before her endgame statistics could ever really be taken into mind. But hey. I just wanted to talk about this all due to how passionate i am about it. ^^

  12. I don't think you can apply real word physics anime worlds. Its like the old argument of someone dodging an energy beam moving faster than the speed of light. In some cases that maybe because they are but not in all cases. Its a plot contrivance and needn't always conform to physics. Are we to believe Jedi's who deflect blaster shots move faster than the speed of light. Of course not

  13. This video is the perfect summary of why I love powerscaling. Not only is it a hobby, but in a way, it’s also a method of viewing and interpreting a verse. And that exact mentality has helped give me a massive appreciation for a lot of my favorite franchises (some notable examples being Ultraman, Godzilla, and Lego Ninjago) and has allowed me to explore series that I wouldn’t have ever checked out on my own (some examples being The Nemesis Saga, Titanic Creations, and Lego Monkie Kid), and allowed me to gain respect for a lot of the characters within their series.

  14. Yeah the writer decides who wins but without writer bias some match ups are clearly one sided.

    As much as I'd rather Scorpion won against Ghost Rider objectively Hanzo is screwed in that fight. Even his netherrealm hax wouldn't save him.

  15. This was a fantastic video, but i honestly could give less of a shit if a favorite character of mine is stronger or weaker than another. I just dont care for debating, and it's fine if other people want to do that, you all have the right to discuss whatever you find passionate about. As long as you don't go harassing or doxxing people for thinking differently than you


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