No Man's Sky Waypoint Upset In The Community Fixes And Destination Update Captain Steve NMS Ideas

No Man’s Sky Waypoint Upset In The Community Fixes And Destination Update Captain Steve NMS Ideas – Playing on the update Waypoint, and a waypoint being a step to a Destination I have set out together this video that gives feedback on the issues and presents ideas to fix them as a solution.
A Waypoint after all is a marker to lead to where you want to go…. is that why Hello Games called this Waypoint ?
#nomanssky #nomansskyideas #ncaptainsteve

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24 thoughts on “No Man's Sky Waypoint Upset In The Community Fixes And Destination Update Captain Steve NMS Ideas”

  1. I was talking about this last night as well. These new negative reviews on steam will put people off from giving it a chance. I mean, I decided to give the game a chance in the first place based off all the recent positive reviews on steam about how good the game was at the time. Great video Steve. Thanks

  2. The update caused the game to crash every single time i pause on the switch version. It literally took a game i was super hyped for, and had looked forward to for quite some time, and made it almost unplayable.

    Not a fan of the update on technical terms alone, and as far as what ive heard about the contents of it, i dont anticipate to be a fan of that part of the update either..

  3. Personally as a completionist day one player with over 6000 hours in game this update is not broken and doesn’t need fixing. I love the balance that it restore to the game. Hello Games have just fixed a bug introduced to the game wayback that allowed tech upgrades to be installed in general inventory and once maxed out broke the balance of the game. For me the game is better now without the excess upgrades

  4. I saw the video with Sean. Back in 2019 he mentions how he can fix the inventory. 2022 inventory is still messed up. When I access the nutrient processor, it has its own inventory, cant transfer ingredients directly from the nutrient processor inventory directly into the nutrient processor. When I access the refiners, tech modules show up as items that can be refined along with food. The tabs to access the freighter inventory are missing from the refiner menu. I also never understood why open inventory slots were scattered around instead of grouped together. And last they need to devote a team to figure out how to implement auto-sort. Only game I play that hasn't figured that out yet.

  5. Everyone can calm down now. From the experimental post on Steam.

    A new difficulty setting has been added which allows players to lock themselves out of any further difficulty settings changes. Once enabled, this action is permanent.
    Stat bonuses on procedural jetpack upgrades have been increased.

    Stat bonuses on procedural hazard protection upgrades have been increased.

    Stat bonuses on procedural pulse engine upgrades have been increased.

    Stat bonuses on procedural hyperdrive upgrades have been increased.

  6. In a way I have to chuckle about all this. Ever since the Beyond update I saw the writing on the wall but few other players did. Everyone wanted to praise the game while ignoring a fundamental problem I saw in development. Since "Beyond", I have been like a voice crying in the wilderness:

    "This game has taken a turn down the wrong path!"

    "This game isn't what it used to be"

    "They are catering to casuals"

    "They are making the game more streamlined and easier"

    "They are making everything more accessable"

    "They are removing limitations"

    "They are removing reasons to explore"

    Etc, etc.

    How much further will it go until everyone wakes up to it? This is the wakeup call.

    So I laugh and think "I told you so"
    They have just continued to give whatbthey thought everyone was asking for, because the opposing voices were drowned out by things like "it's a free update". Well my friend, you get what you pay for!

    I'm not saying NMS isn't a great game. I still enjoy it to an extant even though i think it can be 100 times better than it is if they kept to their original vision.

    But, what do we do when there is no more "game" left to play? Or better yet, what does it say about a developer and how they view their own game when they do everything they can to give players ways to not "play" it?

  7. Think a lot of this could have been averted had HG just told people it would happen BEFORE the update. Give people who specialise, like me, a chance to off-load the extra modules and recoup more of the cost than a measly 16 nanites. I prefer to specialise. I have turned my last expedition save into my new main save, and have already picked up some (now redundant) 'S' class starship modules which I paid around 500 nanites for. As I don't have another ship I would use them in, I have basically been forced to dump them at a lot less than I would have been able to get for them BEFORE the update. Or of course, they could have packaged them as they did, and refunded everyone 500 nanites for each one they did this to.

    Personally, I specialise. I have a multi-tool for scanning and mining, another for direct combat, and another for explosive combat. I don't WANT 30 slots in each – especially when limited to base technology + blueprints + 3 slots. I don't see me using any more that 20 at best with those limits. Same with ships. I have the Golden Vector as my combat specialist, but have already had to repair several times since the nerf – and multiple wiring looms each and every time gets expensive. I am going to be getting a living ship some time next week, and already have an explorer will be turned into a travel ship. I also have a basic fighter ass a black hole transit ship – nothing more than basic technology – which I am glad they have finally allowed us to remove the basic weapon provided there is another weapon installed.

    Overall, I don't hate the update, just the way HG put it out. Makes it seem like they knew it wouldn't be popular and that's why they didn't say what would be happening.

  8. I think they WERE working on a content update and then everything got sidetracked to accommodate the NS. They likely had to dumb things down a bit to get it to run on less capable hardware and those changes (optimizations?) spilled over to all platforms. Kind of like your team is only as fast as the slowest runner. I'm sure they looked at all the metrics and thought losing a few veterans would be worth it for the influx of NS players. They're running a business and their loyalty to players goes about as far as their profit margin. I'm pretty neutral on the whole thing, playing on PC I just use mods to play the way I want. If the game is still fun I'll adapt to any changes, if it's not I'll go do something else. I haven't even bothered getting the update or playing yet… first rule of NMS is wait 2 weeks for the most of the bugs to be worked out. My guess is they'll have addressed this in some way, shape, or form within that 2 week window 🙂

  9. I think they could have avoided a lot of negative feedback by warning us in advance.
    They could also leave normal, survival and permadeath as they were and rather have custom/relaxed/creative mode for themselves where players could mix their own settings.
    It will be interesting to see what the outcome will be in the end.

  10. I love all of these ideas regarding the ships, the chips have the specialisations and it might as well really go to town on them. Allow each specialisation as well give you creater boosts on the tech you install. Like you mentioned with Warp Drives on Explorer Ships, a module might give you 120ly increase in your warp distance on any other ship but put it in an explorer it adds 50% more distance, and using this star rating as well increases not only the base stat, but the boost given to it by the ship specialisation.

    Shuttles could also be used to help with the repairing of frigates that return, using your shuttle it allows you to repair at a discount.

    I am hoping you have submitted all these suggestions you put in the video to the zendesk. Great job Capt'n .

  11. Some people (myself included) are very sensitive, and adverse to change. But this is a game, and not impactful on life in general as things go. With that, I don't mind the changes. It took all of 3 hours to get my saves up to the performance level they were before the update. It's also MUCH more enjoyable (and challenging) to play a fresh playthru.

  12. I do like all of these ideas, though one point is a little off, while ‘normal’ mode can activate and deactivate god mode at will, there is a big notification in survival and permadeath warning you that changing the difficulty settings will disable certain trophies and milestones going forward, so it does exist, just not for normal mode


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