No Man's Sky (Switch) Review and Tech Analysis

An infinite universe in the palm of your hand. #nomanssky #nintendoswitch #review

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47 thoughts on “No Man's Sky (Switch) Review and Tech Analysis”

  1. As a kind of new switch owner just upgrading from a lite to an OLED I only had 3 games. Any good games at least similar to call of duty, Cyberpunk, rdr2 GTA and things like that? Preferably physical games because I only have a 128gb SD card and got rid of my ps4 and Xbox just didn't have time for every system anymore

  2. Enjoyed this review. I feel the same about No mans sky, having bought the launch edition back on ps4 as well. Ive also been falling back into love with the game once again on the switch. Being able to play it handheld is something special.

  3. It's a good game but it does crash, I had 3 crashes in the first day playing.
    Lags when digging with the terrain manipulator. When flying over the planet sometimes won't load in structures until really close so it's hard to fly over a planet looking for structures to explore.
    Other than those so far it's great.

  4. I have this on PS4 and just got it on my son's switch since he loves playing on PS4 and now he can play it whenever he wants on his switch. I'm amazed how well it runs and looks on the switch. Unless you looked at the games side by side you wouldn't know the difference!

  5. I hope that indie developers make their switch games look more oil pastel as a painting in sacrifice of the graphics, capturing the beauty of the world not with realistic textures but an adventure through looking through the lens of an art piece.

  6. It’s great and all but when you can get it for $10 or less on Xbox and PlayStation, asking $60 for the switch version is a HUGE stretch. $30 would be more realistic.

  7. Trying to read the inventory labels on a Switch Lite is now a nightmare. Anyone with poor eyesight will soon develop bad eyesight. Did Hello Games not consider this? It's killed the game for me. I only wish they'd uploaded 4.02 before I parted with my cash. Now, my question is, do I buy an OLED model or take a trip to Specsavers?

  8. I cant even play the game since installing waypoint. It crashes every single time i pause. This game coming to my switch was a dream come true, but it has quickly turned into a nightmare… the price tag was quite the ask for something thats guaranteed to be less than its MUCH cheaper counterparts. Now, i cant even play the game cuz i cant switch my damn mission or pause without it crashing and having to reload a save… kinda hard to explore and gather if you accidentally forget and pause and lose all that progress… i could get over the rest of the downsides, really. But, now i cant even play it after paying over 60$? Completely unacceptable. It was supposed to launch in the summer… why delay it to october if you arent going to optimize the patch that would come immediately after the launch?

    I hate being so negative towards a game i love, but come on….

  9. What’s so great about having ports of games like these, it’s that people like me, A full time nurse and a full time father of a 2 year old and a 5 months old, can now just pick this up and play it on my hands. I don’t have a lot of time to sit in front of my tv and play it on my Ps5. I wish I could bc I know the game runs a lot better there but it’s not like that. I don’t care that much for graphics, and I’m not concerned at all for the multiplayer. So yeah, it’s great to have it so you can play anywhere anytime.

  10. Hey people. Does the switch version require a nintendo account. I only play offline in the ps4 version. The reason why im asking this is because i bought a game called bloodstained ritual of the night and it required a nintendo account. Does the same apply to no man's sky switch version? Super smash bros ultimate does not require a nintendo account so it allowed me to play offline. Does no man's sky switch version not require a nintendo account to play offline?

  11. Trillions….
    There's ~18,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets. Thes a few trillion per galaxy.

    Settlements are probably the main thing most other console and PC players would say they would be least upset about losing, probably why HG chose that to leave out of Switch for stability's sake.
    Switch players aren't missing much. You get NPCs wandering around your freighter now after Endurance update so you still get that living populated home base experience. Settlements were kinda lame other than for building in.

    How do Switch players get the little side quest that gives you the advanced mech suit though, cus that came from rhe settlement….?

  12. I haven't played this in a long time so figured I'd start anew on Switch….that was until I realized that it didn't have the full game, so instead I bought it on Steam and a Steamdeck. I've been playing it on my PC as my Steamdeck hasn't come in yet, but man, as someone that was very disappointed in the launch version, what Hello Games has done is short of remarkable, the game is absolutely amazing now and it's better than I ever expected it to be.

  13. I've had this game on PlayStation, since day one and I'm watching this video thinking "yea, this looks good.. I need to buy this" 🤦‍♂️ the idea of playing this 'on the go' is really exciting

  14. Is this guy high, NMS 2022 is incredible, NMS 2016 was trash

    If he thought Sean Murray lieing to the press over and over was coo since he was indie the guy shouldn't even be reviewing games

    Bias AF

    Yes 2022 NMS is amazing

  15. What an incredible time to be playing video games. Just like Elite Dangerous, a game so vast as NMS that is available on any console is amazing, let alone on the Switch. I have this on PS4 which I purchased on day one back in 2016 and I may very well get this for my Switch as well.

  16. I find it difficult to play big games like this on a home console on the couch. The only way I can play these games is on a portable or hybrid console. Having No Man's Sky on the switch is incredible and it still looks great.

  17. I also bought this game when it came out in 2016. And what a disappointment it was. The company who created this just lied about everything. I know that there have been updates on this game since then, but I will not use it again. Remember the saying…. Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me.


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