No Man's Sky – Episode 44 – Endurance!


Drew downloads the new Endurance update and starts mucking about on his Freighter…

Streaming live on at 8pm on Thursdays (UK) – Come join my adventure!

Drew’s Discord is here –


8 thoughts on “No Man's Sky – Episode 44 – Endurance!”

  1. It took me a few seconds before I realized Drew that in order to build an upper layer/deck you need to place a ladder but they have to be placed inside a freighter corridor not a room in order to work.
    Great squirrel moment's as usual

  2. Hi Drew 2 pieces of News
    1st firstly there is a new Update /bug fix out Monday and on Tuesday the expedition channel reopens with a new challenge for us using the Endurance update features

    And don't forget Version 4.00 will be dropping very soon with the Switch console users joining in the fun OK?


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