No Man's Sky | Alpha – Omega! | After the Expedition | Episode 05: Portal Base Search! | Omega 4.5

No Man’s Sky | Alpha – Omega! | After the Expedition | Episode 05: Portal Base Search! | Omega 4.5

Alpha – Omega is a series where we take a fresh save that has finished the Omega Expedition, and progress it into a normal save. You can watch the save progress through the expedition in the Expeditiouslee! series.

We start off today by showcasing the S-class Freighter that I finally snagged between episodes. We only do the new Freighter Command mission, involving building a fleet command room and sending out a frigate mission. We head to the Space Anomaly to get the Expedition reward frigates, and then send off the mission to earn some coins and the frigate fuel blueprint along the way. The main goal of today is to search the Euclid galaxy to look for a good location to build our 1st galactic portal base. We want a nice lush planet so we head to the galactic map and spend a lot of warp fuel doing exploration today. We eventually settle on a dissonant planet with gravity storms, and fly over to the space station to buy a planetary chart. We locate a monolith and answer the riddle, only to need to fly away and buy a dagger at a trade outpost before we can locate the portal location. Then we head back to the Space Anomaly to use the Featured Bases tab to head to the Eissentam galaxy so we can search for a location for a portal base there too.


2 thoughts on “No Man's Sky | Alpha – Omega! | After the Expedition | Episode 05: Portal Base Search! | Omega 4.5”

  1. Don't dissonant planets have dissonant sentinels and therefore if they're aggressive they're not likely to attack? I really don't remember if that was a definite thing or if it was an RNG thing.


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