No Man's Sky #42 – The Search for a Solar Ship! | 2022 Outlaws Gameplay

The biggest thing I want from the Outlaws update is a solar ship! And that’s what we went out to look for. We went to a pirate controlled system to get our prized ship, and to check out the outlaw space station. What did we find? Find out what happens!

This is a No Man’s Sky Let’s Play, currently playing in the Outlaws Update. My goal is to complete the primary mission and explore. We’ll see how far we can get and see how many galaxies and planets we can discover in this No Man’s Sky playthrough!

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14 thoughts on “No Man's Sky #42 – The Search for a Solar Ship! | 2022 Outlaws Gameplay”

  1. So, I don't know how much you know about them yet, but X class upgrades are a bad investment, however, getting them for free is great.

    The reason for this is that they're usually pretty bad, but there is a slim chance that they'll actually be better than an S class upgrade.

  2. So, all that activated emeril you have, toss that in a refiner. You should get around 2-3k chromatic metal from it. You don't always want to do this, but this early in a playthru, it'll set you up for awhile.

  3. So, when you know you're going to die like that, it is possible to reload before you die. But in this case it wouldn't have saved you anything since your inventory was empty when you last saved.

  4. Very Nice Video. It funny when you are looking for something it never appears. And when you don't its Show up. Note: Sell everything you not going to used (ex. Mods, plates and Single pieces of material) and you do know you can put a Galactic terminal in your Freighter so you could sell anything anytime.

  5. I love the look of these light ships, I do have one but it’s red and gold, I’m more of a purple, lilac, silver maybe with black. Currently i’m flying an exotic black with silver or gold decal and a grey, silver or pale blue wing. The colours are hard to figure out and depend on the ambient light!


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