Nine Years of Shadow || First Hour Gameplay || Action, Metroidvania

“Nine Years of Shadow” released recently on 27th March. It’s a side-scrolling Metroidvania by Halberd Studios.

TITLE: 9 Years of Shadows
GENRE: Action, Adventure, Indie
DEVELOPER: Halberd Studios
PUBLISHER: Freedom Games
FRANCHISE: Freedom Games
RELEASE DATE: 27 Mar, 2023

Excerpt from Steam page:
[“9 Years of Shadows is a side-scrolling Metroidvania by Halberd Studios. Travel alongside Europa, a brave warrior determined to enter the mechanical giant Talos and stop the corruption within before it swallows the world in darkness. Battle through tainted creatures, meet charismatic musicians and uncover the truth behind the curse that robbed the land of all color.”]

0:00 Intro
1:29 Skip to Gameplay
5:20 End of Prologue (B&W Screen)
19:12 1st Boss Fight (Xilos Paladin)
24:47 2nd Boss Fight (The Dwarven Guard)
39:07 3rd Boss Fight (Tantalus Roach)

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