Nighthaunt vs Ossiarch Bonereapers – Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Battle Report

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13 thoughts on “Nighthaunt vs Ossiarch Bonereapers – Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Battle Report”

  1. Sad to see an OBR army without Kavalos Death riders 😟 it's an easy battle tactic and they (in my opinion) synergies very well with Crematorians and Nagash 🙂

  2. Wild game.

    Little thing and I doubt it would have made a difference, but you got some extra movement from rezzing models on T4 that technically you shouldn't have – when restoring slain models, they need to come back w/in 1" of models that were alive at the start of the phase. So no rallying then using the rallied models to place the extra 3 from Nagash.

  3. Thoughts about the game. Background is I'm a Nighthaunt player, and know very little about Bonereapers.

    Fantastic game. Both players are playing very strong for the objectives, as well as keeping their armies capabilities in mind.

    Nighthaunt was significantly less aggressive than I thought they would be. After the first round I was expecting more charging or at least charge prep. While the Spirit Torment on the side was a fantastic choice, it staying there the next turn while the opponent didn't have mobility high enough is a questionable decision to me. Hunkering down behind a double layer of Hexwraith Speed-bumps is also a bit confusing, since, while to me that is only one of their main uses, the other two are extra charges (and Mortal Wounds), and Objective Snagging, since they have one of the highest movements in the game.

    Keeping the Spirit Torment back also removed it's Model Return from the combat equation. While that didn't do anything for the rest of the game, it was still a small mistake. I could understand keeping it there if they are using the objective rules that require you to keep models on an objective in order to keep it, but to my knowledge the rules of the game say you have objectives until someone takes them. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

    Next I was also a tad confused at why the Bladegeists on the left took a forward posture towards the enemy. Nighthaunt are remarkably flimsy, so if they are going to charge into combat, they want to do it with friends, as in more than just 1-2 units. That few units lowers the chances of high rolls on the Wave of Terror table, and keeps them from having good combats. I could have seen them either move forward and charge in with those two and one of the Hexwraith units, or did a less offensive posture and moved to prepare to flank the Ossiarchs when they charged. This would have doubled as a counter for the Mourghasts flying over the forward line.

    Against the Bonereapers, and the only thing I actually know about them that could count, Nagash is not an Ossiarch Bonereaper Wizard, and thus cannot cast their Endless Spells. That means the Bonetithe-Shrieker could not be cast by this army at all, and is a straight rule violation. This is a complaint I will have until it changes.

    This is a fantastic game anyway! Very well done both of you! I'm looking forward to seeing more Ghosts in the future!


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