NIGHTFALL OVER GOBEL TOL FALAS (Siege Battle) – Third Age: Total War (Reforged)

Enjoy 🙂 Battle starts at 15:00

Defenders: Rhun x3
Attackers: Khand x5


13 thoughts on “NIGHTFALL OVER GOBEL TOL FALAS (Siege Battle) – Third Age: Total War (Reforged)”

  1. Fuck me this is Dark, i can only see a little and when i go full screen in Phone it's a lot worse for some reason unless i keep a finger touching the screen when i open it, so the image is as bright as with the small screen (don't ask me why) which is a shame because i love Night Battles (when i can what's happening). If i'm in a Room with no lights i can see fine with the small screen of my Phone, just Really Sucks that i have to watch like that or hold a finger in the corner of the screen through the entire battle so i see it.

  2. Can't say I blame the defenders as it must have been really hard to see anything with so much area to cover. It also didn't help that the attackers were just pushing past lines regardless of loses. I couldn't have done any better. I would argue the defenders needed more money for such a battle.

  3. 30:04 THIS is where I knew the Brotherhood of the Axe, and their more lightly armoured Nomad counterparts would come in very handy. Very heavy spears with not a lot of support, no nearby significant missile units, is exactly the sort of thing armour piercing heavy two-handers would like to face.

  4. This was closer then i expected given the first 20 or so minutes after the battle really started. If Rhun had right from the beggining pulled back to where they made their line after retreating from the Outer Villages, where their range units could actually support them, they might very well won given all the men they lost trying to hold them and then in the retreat, i respect them trying but they should know that they really can't afford to do that in a 5v3 in general with the game being what it is, if they want a real chance of winning. Especially not in this particular situation against Khan as Rhun, maybe if they were Numenor, Dwarves, Imladris or at least Gondor or Umbar they could taken that (Still BIG) Risk and maybe still put out a win wheater they eventually retreated as they did here or tried to hold there, at least for longer but not with Rhun, they quite tough for a evil men faction but they still one that isn't Umbar.

  5. I didn't think it was a very good defence from Rhun at all. Too many losing battles, too many isolated units or too much committing to bad fights. Poor defence in a 3 v 5 made it inevitable. Khand played very well in contrast always seemed like they had the advantage.


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