Night of the Living Dead | Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 22 Reaction

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War is back with episode 22 after a week off! And WE GOT ZOMBIES! There’s no better match-up than Mayuri and Gigi, but we are really scared for Hitsugaya…WHAT DID SHE DO TO HIM!?? So many people made surprise appearances in this episode, we’re excited that Yoruichi is back, hopefully she’ll get some action in the last few episodes. Let us know your thoughts of episode 22 in the comments!

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18 thoughts on “Night of the Living Dead | Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 22 Reaction”

  1. [Tidbits & Clarifications]

    – Comedic scenes revolving around Orihime's attire were removed. It expresses that Urahara made the outfit and Orihime wore it to impress Ichigo, but naturally Ichigo wasn't properly aware.

    – Uryu went to the Quincies side of his own volition, he wasn't in a position were he had no choice. In fact he's one of the few Lucky enough to not be affected by Yhwach Auschwallen.

    – The scene with Yumichika covering his nose is purposely mistranslated for Western audiences. In the Manga and in the Japanese episode Yumichika is actually saying to Giselle:

    " You're a man, aren't you. You may think you have concealed it but frankly, you stink of semen"

    (This was likely changed for Western audiences because of political issues)

    – Many forget that the Shiba family was or rather are by blood one of the 5 Major Noble Families. The fact that they have a canon capable of reaching the Soul Palace says a lot and brings up some interesting questions.

    (Plus Imagine how strong Kukaku fire must be if she has enough energy to set off the canon)

    – We've learned some rules for Giselle's Zombification.

    To Zombify a Quincy they must be fully dead, whereas shinigami simply needs to come into contact with her blood but clearly, there is more to it otherwise Yhwah would have taken Giselle with her to turn someone like Aizen or Yamamotot into a Zombie.

    – Many people miss it but Giselle and her awful treatment towards Bambi is supposed to mimic how Mayuri was first introduced. He used Nemu as a tool and was wickedly violent and sadistic.

    By using Giselle/Bambietta as a parallel it shows us in part how Mayuri has grown since then.

    (Though Mayuri still isn't that good of a person but certainly better)

    – Some people Claim that Mayuri having the Zombies is plot armor but as the episode showed with the flashback he did in fact raid Szyelapporo's Lab after he defeated him (The Pink-Haired Scientist Espada) in the Hueo Mundo arc and we know that Szyel was collecting the defeated Arrancar. This just shows that Kubo had this concept planned way in advance.

    – Another thing about Giselle's zombification is that it would seem that the Zombies aren't as strong as they once were. Bambi was clearly a much greater threat when she was alive and in control, and though the revived Arrancar have likely gotten stronger it wouldn't be enough to defeat above Captain Class threats so easily.

    – Though it was only episodes ago many seem to have forgotten that a mysterious figure appeared near Toshiro after he fell unconscious. We see now that it was Giselle.


  2. Remember that shadow looming over Hitsugaya at the end of his fight against Cang Du? Well, that was Giselle coming to zombify him. And yes, she, or rather He since now I can tell you that Giselle is in fact a man posing as a girl for reasons yet to be explored lol, actually undressed Hitsugaya and dressed him on Quincy attire as if he was a doll….picture that particular image lmao.

  3. Maybe she, or he transformed Histugaya when we saw a shadow on him after defeating Cang Du. She, or he said for shinigamis, his blood only is enough to transforming them into zombies.
    So i presumed he changed the Hitsugaya dressing in Quincys uniform during Kenpachi fight Gremmy, after finished to transforming Histugaya.


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