Night of Shadows – Mace – !!! LONG VIDEO!!! Ruins of Shadow Haven T2 – How to EverQuest Necromancer

All my videos are one take, so there is some rambling. Lots of rambling.

Boys. You will want to change playback to speed to 1.5 X because this one is L O N G and boring and clocks in at about 27 minutes. Sorry about that.

If you thought 400 million HP named bosses were stupid…
And you heard rumors of 600 million HP named bosses in Beta…

Well…WELCOME TO EVERQUEST, NIGHT OF SHADOWS where they break out 900 million HP bosses and tell you to deal with it.

And deal with it I did. Nothing will stop X and his buddy Jober. Throw me a BILLION HITPOINT BOSS AND IT WILL GO DOWN.

Here’s the thing to take from this video. I’m a DoT spammer, I never wait for my DoTs to full run out, when I see the icon blink I recast. It’s not mana efficient but it keeps my full DoT rotation on at all times so my DPS never drops.

Well that’s not going to work versus Mace. About 3 minutes into the fight I realized something was off with this golem. My initial hope of 400 million HP was so far off it is comical to listen to my commentary at the start and think about the end result of ~900 million.

I will never fight this boss again but if I was forced to I’d do the following:

1. Slow down, let spells wear off, then recast.
2. Only cast Big Pyre and Progression spell with Gifts after the Big Burn wears off.
3. Bring a Gatorade and some Trail-mix because this damn thing was an event.

GamParse Information

Xellen vs Mace

Total 879,878,929
Time 1280
DPS 687,405

Love Live the Chief.

If you have any questions leave a comment or hop on Test and /tell Xellene. More videos will happen soon – they will all be like this. One shot, no edit, just whatever comes out comes out. Later!

Everquest Test Server – Xellene Shadowstalker
[email protected]
@XellenOnTest – twitter – I don’t use this, don’t bother
u/XellenOnTest – reddit – LOL worse than twitter, don’t bother


15 thoughts on “Night of Shadows – Mace – !!! LONG VIDEO!!! Ruins of Shadow Haven T2 – How to EverQuest Necromancer”

  1. Xellen… first of all, you got it done so nice work! Second, as a fellow necro i noticed a few things you can do differently that will ease your pain on a fight like this. 1. Blood Magic / Death Bloom need to be rotated together to extend your mana nearly indefinitely. Cast spells till you're down to 60-65% mana then pop Blood Magic. When Blood Magic gets to is third level (Caza) immediately hit your Death Bloom to start regenerating that missing mana… by the time both wear off you should be full mana again. Use them every time they are available for the rest of the fight, you will have mana for MUCH longer. Next, keep a closer eye on your burns. You should be recycling them as soon as they repop (or at least certain things grouped together). In a fight this long you should be able to recycle most things about 3 times. Plan ahead a little bit as needed to fit a burn reuse into that time when you use Blood Magic for mana free burning too and it will go a LOT smoother.

  2. 900 million hp…. you were not kidding on everything getting a 20% hitpoint buff from ToL to NoS. How much harder do the enemies seem to hit from ToL to NoS? Crazy good work, man. I'm hoping to get on that level, eventually.

  3. This named is a MESS. It has so many HP. I added Gathering Dust AA – increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 11% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety and adds a dinky dot. Yes it can bump agro to us and not a HUGE dif, but as long as Jober has agro and using anger weapons, we good — especially with TEST equipped pets — and you can cast you Carapace if shit goes south. ANYTHING we can add at this point to base damage. Heck when I have all my pets up, I cast my circle of power IV.

    I know you do not like our Funeral Pyre line but I am using that with our Blood Magic and Death Bloom and mana pots, and working that — it's the big ticket at the start with robes and blows shit up if you can keep up with the casting rotation.

    I dropped ALL our pet heal/buffs spells as I strongly believe the pet can handle it, with AA Aegis and Mend if need be, and replaced those spell slots with Protector's Grasp, and added the UNDEAD Scourge line — ANY spell that we get a FOCUS line from our AAs. If you can convert him to undead (which I got many resists), adds a massive amount of DPS once undead. Scourge line is amazing if you can get him undead and cheap as F$%$.


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