Nibiru Revealed The Anunnaki Golden Secret

Nibiru Revealed The Anunnaki Golden Secret
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Unlock the secrets of Nibiru and the Anunnaki in this captivating video. Discover why these ancient Sumerian gods, according to ancient astronaut theorists, have a surprising affinity for Earth’s gold. Delve deep into the Sumerian texts and intriguing theories, exploring whether Earth was mined for gold to save Nibiru’s dying atmosphere. Join us on this cosmic journey, unravelling the mysteries of ancient civilizations and their celestial gods!

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42 thoughts on “Nibiru Revealed The Anunnaki Golden Secret”

  1. Wait, so these Gods could create humans but not Gold ? They could bend space but couldn’t patch a roof?. Sounds like someone was fed a bunch of horse s** and got duped out of their Gold.

  2. I’ve been trying to tell people for 15 years about the millions of years of evolutionary jumps we took to get the modern human. Bone density and brain function just two examples of our bodies that took unprecedented jumps in evolution. Nobody wants to hear we are just a slave race left behind.

  3. Too bad they were from America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ lol enki thoth wanted to be god so bad lol πŸ˜‚ don’t fall for this Bs guys please I can help you with the truth this a agenda to push aliens πŸ‘½ I need you to realize this .. Americans Egypt!! You hear him he simply said STORY NOT REALITY. The reality is Thoth was a lier a trickster

  4. Very well done video in addition to this consider this the physical characteristics that make us human likely didnt originate on earth but somewhere else check out the book humans arent from earth which explain (example: sunburns, disease, fragility

  5. Higher frequency brings don't need labs to create they use mind and manifest that's why scriptures say "Christ was manifest" because Gxd is LOVE (highest frequency being love is a high vibration which produces heat that's why Heat and fire is always associated with Gxd)

    Christ Consciousness means many are linked in loved by mind being oneness then together these manifested civilization

    Sumeria popped out of nowhere because the civilization was manifested by mind

    If there are any humanoids with rhesus monkey blood it's not the original humans that are made out of thought (quantum physics) of conscious love.

    The original man was not evolved from monkeys it's biblical and it's science.

  6. Nibiru is not the home-planet of the Annunaki, it is only used by the Annunaki as a "free" vehicle to get to Earth and back to their real planet, which is situated in the Orion Constellation. They need(ed) the gold, not to build a reflective shield as you said, but to be used in the giant Catalytic Converters they have built to clean the atmosphere of their planet.

  7. The reason they will need humans for eternity is because over time Gold absorbing too much energy itll become Mercury and the hole will come back. Therefore they will need an unlimited eternal supply. Guess thats why humans have eternal life πŸ˜‚

  8. Everyone seems to forget that the Annunaki also believed in a higher being they called the creator of all and a emessary named Galzu who they believed relayed the creator of all's will in dreams and visions..!!

  9. Nibiru alien is successful for catch the vibration of Earth human I seen an woman with 2 child protection from nibiru alien πŸ‘½ it's too dengerous, I don't never this type of dream in my life , I have noticed my dream will true in future , I am very afaird for this

  10. When Gadre`El learned that JESUS was going to have a golden city descend from the heavens to the earth, for HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE THE ISRAELITES, the devil & his fallen angels created β€œa black race” and put them to work to mine as much gold as possible because the devil and his fallen angels plan on lowering their own gold city to the earth which will be the great deception.

  11. I have always had my doubts about our existence and now it's clear.

    We were never to live a peaceful life we were just used as slaves for that reason inslavement has never stopped.

    They are back to use us humans again.

    Their gold are in a safe house but it's not enough for that reason history are to repeat itself.

  12. Why haven't we seen the real existence of a God, easy because our creators are using humans, and there ain't a real God loving and caring humans, for that reason we are wild animals surving on the next.

  13. Their planet is so far away from the Sun yet it's atmosphere has been compromised by its rays and requires gold particles to restore it and help shield said planet…

    I'm sorry but……WHAAAAT???πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ

  14. Planet X, 9 or Nibiru is a frightening planet, therefore it is very well known for thousands of years in the history of mankind. And it is seen in broad daylight with the naked eye, just before our era. We even have pictures of this event. We are walking in the dark as long as we ignore ancient texts, like the Indian Mahabharata and the Mayan Popol Vuh, that tell us that our planet Earth is suffering from a cycle of seven natural disasters. Those disasters are causing a huge tidal wave, massive floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and a bombardment of fiery meteors every few thousand years. Several animal species become extinct and mankind hardly survives. The only possible natural cause of this cycle can be a ninth planet in our solar system, orbiting our sun in an eccentric orbit. We have pictures of the approaching planet, ancient sources show us the orbit of planet 9 and its whereabouts. Just east of Pisces. And it looks like LL Pegasi, the spiraled cloud, also just east of Pisces. Coincidence? To learn much more about planet 9, the recurring flood cycle and its timeline, the rebirth of civilizations and ancient high technology, read the e-book: "Planet 9 = Nibiru". This book answers many of your questions about ancient history. It can be read on any computer, tablet or smartphone. Search: planet 9 roest

  15. Hey they will call us the sky people say we land on their planet, we are sky people, we might be looking for alternate energy… and that might be on some covered rock … there is no end to this presumpstious story…. the truth i believe is no species wants to give true knowledge to anyone because this way they can ha e others run errands for them …

  16. Perhaps the ANUNNAKI didnt understand too much about the SUN RAYS shielding//There is a way MUCH MORE POWERFULL to shield the planet withouit dumping millions of tones of gold into the atmosfere.I find it really a BAD IDEA….everytime is sunny you need tones of gold to dump in the air?REALLY????

  17. I had a black guy come into my school 25 years ago in the UK teaching us about anunaki and simarians and the power of white powder of gold that is good for your health, its mad I've know this stuff for years, I'm sure he must of been Sumerian looking back. Truth.


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