NFL Fans Calling Bengals vs Chiefs Game Rigged Because Of Multiple Missed Calls

During the NFC Championship game between the Cincinnati Bengals vs Kansas City Chiefs many fans were outraged over numerous missed calls against the away team. This led people to speculate the NFL was rigged.


#nflrigged #chiefs #bengals


49 thoughts on “NFL Fans Calling Bengals vs Chiefs Game Rigged Because Of Multiple Missed Calls”

  1. So, we only pointing out the Chiefs missed calls. We gonna ignore the most obvious missed call on 3rd down that resulted in a punt… Juju getting hit early before the ball hit to him and nothing being called, y'all hate the Chiefs, we know

  2. The refs should be arrested for fraud. Doesn't matter what game it is we know that it was set up an hour Bengals lost I'm from Cincinnati and anybody with common sense would know we should have been in the super bowl

  3. Congrats to the Chief fans on your 2nd Super Bowl. That being said you have fans who say the chiefs own Joe Burrow and the Bengals. I bury any Bengal fans who are Uncle Rico and embarrass our fan base. I didn’t see one Chief fan say, “ Bro STFU we are 1-3 1-1 at home in AFC Championship Games and needed a couple of calls to win that game!” Hold your fan base accountable when they get stuck on stupid because we all (actual knowledge football fans) know this is perhaps the best rivalry since Brady Manning and Joe has yet to play a full season without a major injury. 2021 coming off ACL replacement surgery and last year starting with an appendectomy surgery. Most likely winning 3/5 Steelers, Dallas, Buffalo giving them home field. Doesn’t mean Patrick doesn’t be Patrick and still win but he had taken 3 straight Ls vs Bengals 0-2 in Cincy 0-1 in Arrowhead. Cannot say this loud enough, “ Chiefs are a bad ass team with top 10 arguably top 5 best coaches ever to compliment PM, TK, IP, CJ (no let’s say his name. (CHRIS FUQING JONES) but get you Rico bitches in check.

  4. That grounding is as obvious as it gets, it doesn't count if it BOUNCES near a receiver after hitting the ground, he threw it at the ground behind his O-line, where it landed was nowhere near an eligible receiver.

  5. 1. The first one was the refs correcting a mistake. That's not rigging anything.
    2. The PI on Eli Apple was a legit call
    3. Frank Clark barely touched Joe Burrow. That was a good no-call
    4. The Bengals defender did indeed hit Patrick Mahomes while he was already out of bounds. Good call
    5. There is holding on every play

    I'll agree that the intentional grounding was a bad call and they should have called a block in the back on the punt return. But, refs make mistakes all the time. They probably made some that harmed the Chiefs, too

  6. I'm really tired of hearing about Mahomes "flopping" out of bounds after the hit.

    He did it to avoid hurting his ankle. Ge took a similar hit (on the field) and tweaked his ankle. If look, you can't miss it.

  7. Dude who made this video; how about stowing the situational ethics! "Yeah it looks dirty all going against one time but hey everybody's human" type of crap.
    You started out strong but turned into a tower of jello last part of video.

  8. If I was a Bengals fan I’d be worrying more about the Ravens resigning Lamar, and the Jets signing Rodgers, Lazard and Hardman.
    Had your girl looking QB scored more TD’s before the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter none of this would matter.
    You pussies talked smack, and paid the price.
    Get over it, and good luck making wildcard this coming season.
    Red Kingdom.

  9. Everything should be challengable. Dont give the "it'll slow down things too much" BS. You keep the limit on the number of challenges but make absolutely anything challengable, especially judgement calls

  10. BS @2:00 no push, defender put the brakes on and acted out a push by arching his back and tossing his hands in the air.. How big an Idiot are you? you think players don't act out to pull a flag when a game is on the line? Really? Slow this video down and watch close. Patriots have shown to be the best of the best in drawing flags in acting out penalties.

  11. The refs do not miss calls. They simply do not call them and favor certain teams. The Bengals got cheated by the same ref who was in the Super Bowl the same season we were there.

  12. To the ppl that say the NFL isn’t biased/rigged, explain the fact the NFL front office gave neutral field to a potential Bills vs Chiefs AFC championship but didn’t do the same for the Bills vs Bengals divisional game?! Literal rigging right in front of your face!

  13. The NFL manipulates the outcome of games through it's officials. The league just like the NBA is more theatre than sport. Just watch for entertainment value just like a film or a tv series. Don't take it too seriously.

  14. I love when fans do this. Now let's reverse the video and watch plays/calls that helped Cincy. Every game fans claim there team gets screwed yet completely ignore calls that went their way throughout the game.

  15. ALL CALLS SHOULD BE SUBJECT TO CHALLENGE FLAGS. This includes penalties for calls like pass interference. Let the guy in the replay booth overturn things as he sees fit. He is the SCOTUS as far as the calls he reviews.

    As long as you have a timeout, you should be able to challenge. If you are wrong, you simply lose the timeout. If you are right, and it is overturned, you don't get charged your timeout. Run out of timeouts and no more coach's challenge. All change of possessions and scores should also be reviewed.

  16. Pay attention this year. Not just in playoffs but the reg season too. It's not so much they want one team to win over another. Not everytime anyway. More like they want close games. Close games bring in more viewers. More viewers equal more money. No one wants to see a blowout unless it's your team beating the piss outta your rival. People change the channel in blowouts. So pay attention to the calls by the refs this year when a team gets up by a TD or more. You'll be amazed by keeping this in mind. This is the way people, and it's gotten ridiculous and infuriating as a fan. It happens in college football too. I would guess they have meetings for the head referees throughout the year and even conferences to share ideas on how to keep games close. I don't think people realize how much a holding call at ANY point in the game under certain circumstances can change the outcome. 3rd and 9 with the score tied and your at the 40 yard line? That's like GIVING a team 3 points or even 7. Think about it. How many games are decided by less than a TD. A LOT.
    So people, I implore everyone and beg everyone to start calling this sh*t out on social media and take back our sports being decided by the players and not the elite rich media.
    Oh and by the way…go watch ALL the Bengals and Chiefs games past couple years. You can not tell me the refs didn't keep those games close. I even admit as a Bengal fan we were gifted one of those wins. Can't remember which but I do remember thinking, damn I'd be pissed if I was a KC fan right now. So yea, be impartial for once and take note of the calls YOUR team gets too😉 Happy "bad calls" hunting.

  17. I am a Chiefs fan. The do over play was awful. You are playing at Arrowhead, the LOUDEST stadium in the entire world and you just blow your whistle to try and stop the play? The refs should have done more to shut down the play instead of letting it run and then doing it over. The roughing the passer penalty and holding should have been called; but there are a lot of calls like that that get missed. But the intentional grounding should NOT have been called. Good game, Chiefs won, but WHAT THE H*LL!


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