Nexomon in 3D! | Can They Pull it Off? | My Hopes for this Open World RPG!

With Nexomon 3 being confirmed to be a 3D Open World Title, I’ve definitely got some thoughts regarding the future of the game, and today I want to discuss what some of my hopes are for it!

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22 thoughts on “Nexomon in 3D! | Can They Pull it Off? | My Hopes for this Open World RPG!”

  1. Definitely looking forward to seeing this game come to fruition!

    I agree that people need to give these games proper time to cook. Time was definitely something that GF needed, for the past several games. A problem with a lot of AAA development companies is that they're under the thumb of publishers and shareholders, who value their return on investment over the creation of quality content. It's usually the board of directors who push for a certain amount of games to be made by a specific deadline.

    Because the board of directors have never been inside the production pipeline, they don't know the scope of what it takes (or how long it takes) to make a quality game. So the deadlines are sometimes obscene. The more ambitious a game looks, the more development time it needs. That means multiple years of development. Based on my personal work experience, the bare minimum is 2 years for something simple. But it all mounts from there. Developers want to push out quality content for players, but they're not given enough time.

    On the bright side, we might be coming to the end of the era of tight deadlines and half-finished game launches. Or at least, the beginning of the end.

  2. I didn't beat extinction because of the prison stealth bit. I'm not sure what legendary creatures are like but if they're like Pokémon gen 5 games where you need to do a little quest before you fight and catch it. Pokémon violet scarlet I haven't got as I just have lost my love for the series maybe gen 5 remakes or a master collection will get me back but even the doc for later in the year likely won't be anything good but I'm still keeping my eye on it

  3. This kinda makes me wanna play the other Nexomon games, just to see how the series developed (And I also don't know if they're directly connected or if they're stories are completely distinct). That would include Micromon, but that one seems to have been lost to time. 😛
    Also, I won't lie, I've never been big on Nexomon's overworld art style (It looks fine in battle tho). Idk, it just doesn't really appeal to me.
    (Unrelated, but I never had an issue with BotW's open world tbh. It may have been a bit empty, but I don't really mind it since it's the first of its kind in the series and it fits the vibe the game has (Same applies to TotK, tho it's more filled out imo))

  4. I’m kind of scared about it being 3D. Mostly because when Pokémon went 3D I didn’t like it as much anymore. I really hope they can pull it off. Nexomon is a breath of fresh air and I don’t want it to die before it can get if it’s feet

  5. I haven't finished 1 and I need to get and play extinction. But I hope this game will be good. If you're looking at this, developers. Take your time. Give us plenty to do. And don't overly make a big empty open world. Basically don't do what Gamefreak is doing. I'm looking forward to it. I just gotta finish the other 2.

  6. I loved the first two Nexomon games. Nexomon was one of the only monster taming games besides Pokémon I actually enjoyed, but now Nexomon runs the risk of losing its identity.

    The 3d is actually rather good, it’s just that it’s so different from the previous games that it’s a bit jarring. Also, it’s less unique than the 2d style, hence the potential loss of identity.

    I think that Nexomon 3 should have been a 2.5d game and then a potential Nexomon 4 be full 3d like Nexomon 3 is now. That would have made the transition from 2d to 3d more natural and would’t have risked Nexomon’s identity so much. It’s too sudden of a change too soon.

    I’m cautiously optimistic about Nexomon 3. I want to like it because it’s Nexomon, but on the other hand it could easily be a generic monster taming game that doesn’t stand out anymore. The only way it can prevent a complete loss of identity now if they retain the same witty writing style the previous games did.

  7. Honestly my main concern about them going to 3D is more on my end than anything. For reasons I can't fathom, some 3D games I can play just fine and others I just plain suck. Might have something to do with my eyes, but also I struggle if I don't have a map in 3D RPGs handy.

    Outside of that, I think this is great if they want to attempt it! Like you said, give them the time they need. That's something some fand just don't get. I know waiting can be hard, but we need to? Especially if we want the gsme to be at it's best! And for some reason I can't play the game myself for whatever reason… There is always LPs amd other videos to watch!

    Also, odd aside here, but honestly? I kinda want a Nexomon Mystery Dungeon type game where I play as a Nexomon! I don't expect this to ever happen, but hey, a girl can dresm!

  8. If they dont do somthing with the combat i hope it fails fuck all this lipstick i like so many of the monster designs but the combat is seriously as bad as it gets for turn based monster tamers

  9. I've commented a couple times out my issues on Nexomon Extinction, but this time I want to use those issues I had with it to fuel my ideas for what I'd like 3 to include/ have.
    1. Better level scaling.
    I don't know if anyone else had this issue, but like whenever I got to a new area, I was quite underleveled, even tho I didn't avoid any battles. Because of this I tried grinding, but for reasons I'll give later on, I found it unviable. I ended up having to catch a new team every new area, which in a way is cool, but at the same time, i wanted to use my team I raised up to that point. On a similar point, I disliked that you'd sometimes just encounter final evos in the wild, even at earlier parts of the game. To me it both ruined the surprise and gave little point for me to raise mt Nexomon from their bade stage.
    2. An improved stamina system.
    As I mentioned above, I found grinding way too tedious, mostly mostly because of the stamina. After every single battle I had to heal my Nexomon because they ran out. I found it genuinely frustrating.
    3. Dual types and more mobe type variety.
    I fully understand not every monster tamer needs to be like Pokémon, but I found everything being single type, alongside very basic movepools (stab + neutral) very restricting. I had a similar issue with Coromon (less so with the movepools tho)
    Nexomon 3 looks pretty cool, and I'll probably end up getting it, I just hope it makes some of these changes.

  10. My biggest hope is that the combat feels more engaging and noxomon feel more unique because as cute as the nexomon games are the combat feels extremely repetitive very quick. The way types and movesets are handled is just super weird.

  11. I’m still surprised they hadn’t said if they’re also planning it to be on the consoles to . If it’s pc only I’ll unfortunately have to skip this game . I did find a good gaming pc but I don’t feel like spending over $1,000 . I do hope they’ll make the move list like nexomon 1 with type coverage and maybe try making dual types .


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