New World You've Been Banned! AGS Starts the Ban Wave for Exploits!

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Hello and welcome back all my New World players, You’ve been banned….well I haven’t been banned but apparently AGS is handing out bans for players that have been exploiting and doing gold dupes. Which I have to say is good to see. I wish we didn’t have the dupes of course and thee amount of bugs we got and I don’t know what type of damage was done. However currently at this time all types of wealth transfers in game have been disabled. Which is a good thing but at the same time unfortunate and players like myself typically like to stay very active on the trading post.

We can’t do anything, as you can see here I try to list some air motes and it just spins and then says you’ve been throttled please try again latter. There is a sticky at the top of the New World forums addressing the issue that came out a few hours ago saying they are aware of a “Possible” gold duplication exploit that has been circling and are temporarily disabling all forms of wealth transfer between players so ( no sending currency, guild treasury, trading post, or player to player trading)

I believe all content used falls under the remits of Fair Use, but if any content owners would like to dispute this I will not hesitate to immediately remove said content. It is not my intent to in any way infringe on their content ownership. If you happen to find your art or images in the video please let me know and I will be glad to credit you.


32 thoughts on “New World You've Been Banned! AGS Starts the Ban Wave for Exploits!”

  1. Hello everyone just a quick video tonight talking about how ALL player to player wealth transfers have been disabled and AGS has already started to respond to the exploiters that abused the gold dupes and handed out BANS! I know the past week has been rough but hopefully the bugs and exploits haven't tainted your New World experience too much. Let me know what you thing of this situation and if you are still enjoying the game?

  2. Yes, I do enjoy the game still. But it is going from bad to worse. Reminds me back in the day with Aion and Archage, that nearly killed mmorpg for me and I did not look back for years on it until now NewWorld. And here we are…

  3. Still waiting on the bans for bug abusers for the territories we lost started from 10/14… Reported them nearly 3 weeks ago now.

    Wars are a complete joke since no bug abusers are actually taken seriously; wars just turned into one big bug arms race. I quit nearly 5 days ago now because of this mess; it feels nice people are starting to recognize the mess this game is, because that entire time I was telling people why we lost territories, and they just called me a sore loser.

  4. Well as a guild master of a 100 players guild it's complicated to keep people interested in game.

    1 – Not enough content
    2 – Not enough PvP only Outpost Rush & GvG for the most part (at least on our server)
    3 – Weapon & Armor balance is really bad
    4 – Some "sneaky" updates are made like "AOE not stacking" (but many others too) without any patch note or communication at all (not even with a server restart)
    5 – 95% of bugs & exploits were in the beta which is painful

    And it's not like i didn't try anything about giving feedback to make the game better for PvE players & PvP players, wrote 33 pages that i sent after 1st beta with massiv changes ideas, after 2nd beta wrote again tons of changes with the content they had.. but sadly no answer and nothing really changed between 1st & 2nd beta (so in 1 year even a bit more)

    So exactly what i predicted is happening but even faster cause they didnt even correct all the bugs and no real weapon / armor balance since then too… game will fail really quickly and then 2 options:

    – game will stop
    – devs will finally take a real decision of making their game more PvE or more PvP

    With the 2nd option, the real decision to take is PvP cause other games are doing a really good job in PvE (FF14, GW2 for example), but in PvP there's only Albion Online and GW2 (but GW2 is kind of old and a bit outdated atm).

    Small example: what will people do once full stuff? => craft will be useless cause there's no "item degradation" like a "maximum amount of repair on an item before it gets broken and you have to recraft it.
    But it's not with streamers & youtubers testing the game that you can know how will end game be… and definitely not with 2 times 1 week beta.

    Now ball is on their side, did my part, if they want more feedbacks & ideas they can hire me did my part at this point. But it's a shame that a company like Amazone with so much ressources aren't able to do a correct game (not even a great game).

    EDIT: Gold & Item dup is by the way cause of them a "noob decision" (mostly to make some economy on servers) cause not everything is server sided…. it's probably one of the most basic thing… but for some reason it's like that.

  5. My server lost 2 wars due to the hatchet glitch, the wars are now unplayable in my opinion. I don't know why they are so quick to suspend trading but let wars go through with all the different exploits (ei Hatchet dmg, staff rapid firing, aoe crouch heals). When settlement control is such a big factor in the game it really just ruins the whole aspect of it. The game is only good for fishing right now…..

  6. I am a long-time MMO player, have been playing New World through Beta, and have over 400 hours logged right now since launch, and I will still continue to play this game.

    The bugs and exploits do, however, kill a lot of the fun. Wars and PvP are not fun, at all, which is very sad. There is so much that is broken which needs to be fixed. Though as you know once one exploit is fixed, players will find more and start using that.

    Now that they finally release outpost, players are bugging through the barrier to start capping points early. Weapons are broken, exploitable, and so are items and gold. The banhammer is not coming fast enough, or hard enough. Still, I like the game and it has promise, but this was nowhere ready to be launched.

  7. My thoughts: At this point, I just don't trust the game… haven't found a single activity that doesn't have a bug associated with it. I made a list of 40+ bugs, no part of the game is untouched. Got a lvl 60 with 560gs, a lvl 34 on another server.. and I'd rather not play either of them. Currently tired of second-guessing virtually everything in-game – was the guy that killed me exploiting? will this boss bug out and reset? is trading going to be turned back on tomorrow? are these mining nodes just invisible and I should walk up to them to make sure they're actually down? should I put another 400 hours of playtime in when the game might just die? Decided I'd stop playing for a year and see if things improve by then. I'm thankful because my time is better spent on earning extra money and spending time with family.

  8. I am an old gamer like yourself. I love this game its wonderful and I have seen far worse bugs in my time and far worse games. There is always ban waves in these titles and tbh amazon acted quite swiftly. I am really thankful for that.

    Hopefully this will knock on the head the cheating for now. There will always be people out there trying to cheat their way to the top level and it won't be long till another exploit is found, however at least they are being found which is really good.

  9. I am a pretty casual player and am only level 28 at the moment, so hopefully everything will be better by the time I reach 60 and start dipping my toes into PvP. I'm enjoying the game a lot at the lower levels currently.

  10. The core gameplay itself is still very enjoyable. It’s really just aspects of pvp that are suffering some. I’ve been playing since RuneScape and WoW glory days. Bugs always happen but they’re patching then weekly. I’m just happy that they’re actively working on things and not just throwing in the towel.

  11. From what I can see the game is pretty fundamentally flawed, so much so that whenever they fix 1 bug another pop up and there are a lot of bugs already. But I still very much enjoy the game and hope Amazon will put down work to fix the game

  12. I'm happy they did this. I know the trading will come back but for now lets get rid of the people who attempt to ruin the experience for others. This game is fun despite the bugs which will get worked out. This game has potential to be much bigger. We have to remember that World Of Warcraft went through this back in the days.

  13. I really like the game! Or rather.. its potential and atmosphere and overall core gameplay. I played till level 40, and it became extremely repetitive so i quit till some new content and better optimization arrives. Right now, the game is pretty bad but i can see how people enjoy it still! It does take a certain type of person to be able to push through it though, because i gave up for now lol.

  14. i was banned for disrutpive behavior i dont know what that means and i didnt do anything wrong no exploits no talking in chat is someone having the same problem i heard there are ways other people can exploits to get other banned but this is dumb the ticket system doesnt even work

  15. Love this game, but all the exploits makes us sometimes frustated. Always an exploits on the hatchet, new bugs on the fire staff and ice gauntlet etc … I will continue but its hard to keep enjoying the game when some people want to take advantage and ruined your experience

  16. I’m not going to focus on all the hype and watch more guides. I just am going to make sure I stay focused on town boards, factions, main story “when applicable” and mining, harvesting ect. When things are around.

  17. Find the market going down it's really freaking irritating. So I number one way of making cash in new worlds side missions don't give enough to really warrant running all the way over the map, I don't necessarily enjoy running a lot of PVP which seems to be the only real way to make money now.


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